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dyce 2010-01-02 06:37

Re: N900 dead?
did they old charger with adapter kill it because it sends a higher voltage than the standard usb 5v?

aman18narang 2010-01-02 10:55

Re: N900 dead?

Originally Posted by Magel282 (Post 449427)
Where did you buy yours from? Got mine from Amazon but again mine didn't come with a converter and Amazon doesn't list this as part of the retail package. Do you know anyone with a X5800 express? That phone uses the same battery as this one. May even be worth getting testing another battery in it at a phone store to rule that out.

yes thats what i did..i took out my battery and charged it by putting it in my friends 5800 and the battery charged fine..i think its right when ppl say that the charge goes thru the cpu first b4 going to the battery that is...and since my phone is bricked that is y it is not what i'll do next is fully charge my battery in 5800 and then try reflashing it..and then i'll charge it inmy n900 and see if it charges fine

gilly 2010-01-02 12:11

Re: N900 dead?
I had the same happen to me. I left the phone charging overnight
connected to my laptop. I think my laptop went to suspend and
in the morning the phone wouldn't show any signs of life.

I didn't have an external charger so I brought the phone to a local
Nokia care center and they said that if they don't spot the problem
there they have to send it forward for repairing which could take from
3 to 6 weeks. :(

I'm nevertheless interested in hearing if someone finds out the
actual reason/solution for the problem. So please don't forget to
post if you happen to succeed. :)

brambi 2010-01-02 14:26

Re: N900 dead?

Originally Posted by Magel282 (Post 449427)
Where did you buy yours from? Got mine from Amazon but again mine didn't come with a converter and Amazon doesn't list this as part of the retail package. Do you know anyone with a X5800 express? That phone uses the same battery as this one. May even be worth getting testing another battery in it at a phone store to rule that out.,

the adapter is called CA-146C


Originally Posted by dyce (Post 449584)
did they old charger with adapter kill it because it sends a higher voltage than the standard usb 5v?

Yeah but almost all old chargers are more then 5v, so why would they include it then?

Now something totally different, I had some alike problem with my PSP, and i had to short-circuit my battery, it's a dangerous solution but it worked fine.

But I'm not gonna try it with my battery if i don't got any background information about it

shadowjk 2010-01-04 10:29

Re: N900 dead?
2.75V is too low for the device to run on (and it can't run on power from charger), and it needs to run in order to charge..

3.2V is probably the lowest the battery can/should go..

brambi 2010-01-04 14:17

Re: N900 dead?

Originally Posted by shadowjk (Post 452310)
2.75V is too low for the device to run on (and it can't run on power from charger), and it needs to run in order to charge..

3.2V is probably the lowest the battery can/should go..

Thanks for the info, where did you get this though?

WannaDoIt 2010-01-04 20:00

Re: N900 dead?

Originally Posted by gilly (Post 449772)
I had the same happen to me. I left the phone charging overnight
connected to my laptop. I think my laptop went to suspend and
in the morning the phone wouldn't show any signs of life.

I didn't have an external charger so I brought the phone to a local
Nokia care center and they said that if they don't spot the problem
there they have to send it forward for repairing which could take from
3 to 6 weeks. :(

I'm nevertheless interested in hearing if someone finds out the
actual reason/solution for the problem. So please don't forget to
post if you happen to succeed. :)

I have had the same problem, put my N900 via USB to the PC. Before I put the PC to sleep the N900 showed a green light (so it was fully charged). Next day the N900 was completely dead and could not be brought to live again. Plugging in the AC charger and removing/putting in the battery did not work.

I suspect that the USB connection to a PC in sleep mode is draining the battery completely (is a bug/problem I think).

Connecting the AC adapter to the N900 requires the software to react (to switch to charging mode), which requires the N900 to have a bit of voltage left (is also a bug/problem I think), which it does not not have because it is fully drained.

At the end I took a 5 volt AC adapter and stripped the 5 volt wires, plugged it into AC power and hold the two wires to the + and - of the battery (minus wire to the + pole, plus wire to the - pole). After a few minutes the battery had just enough power to switch to "recharging mode" after putting it back to the N900 (still connected to the AC charger).

It worked for me, but no guarantees of course...

Good luck...

brambi 2010-01-05 22:51

Re: N900 dead?

Originally Posted by WannaDoIt (Post 452991)
At the end I took a 5 volt AC adapter and stripped the 5 volt wires, plugged it into AC power and hold the two wires to the + and - of the battery (minus wire to the + pole, plus wire to the - pole). After a few.

Sorry but, why the minus wire to the + pole and vica versa?

myk 2010-01-06 01:26

Re: N900 dead?

Originally Posted by brambi (Post 454799)
Sorry but, why the minus wire to the + pole and vica versa?

He said AC not DC - hopefully that was a typo too!
Maybe it was Guy Fawkes day? (insert your local pyrotechnic occasion). Just putting 5V on the cell is dangerous enough. Though the protection chip should have helped.

My story:

I found the n900 turned off - probably low battery. But it would not come on with the charger connected, even though the charging light glowed. Charged a while, still would not start. Eventually I took the battery out and measured 3.45V, so presumably it had indeed been charging.

I put battery back and it worked. Why would I have to remove & replace battery to get it back on after running flat?

ZackMorris 2010-01-06 03:45

Re: N900 dead?
Leave the phone on the charger for a considerable amount of time, try overnight. Take the battery in and out, try again. Definitely invest in an external charger, there are many available for the 5800 which uses the same battery as the N900. Sounds like the battery is completely dead and is not getting enough power to the cpu to charge properly. I wouldn't go as far and say the device is dead, just a battery issue it sounds like.

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