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christoph 2010-01-10 21:17

Re: FeedingIt - RSS Reader
The feedparser seems to have problems to parse the planet-maemo feed at
At least the feed stays empty

chschubert 2010-01-10 23:00

Re: FeedingIt - RSS Reader

after several hickups your software works pretty well with your last release on my N900. Do you think that you can integrate full google reader syncronisation (not just importing as many other rss readers do)?

I believe this app could be THE standard rss reader for all maemo users if this would work - and I would even pay for this app. I'm a total rss addict ...

Other nice features would be a kind of integration of this petrovich feature, to share articles via mail, twitter, facebook or whatever.

Laughing Man 2010-01-10 23:07

Re: FeedingIt - RSS Reader

Originally Posted by christoph (Post 462874)
The feedparser seems to have problems to parse the planet-maemo feed at
At least the feed stays empty

It also won't work with.

claesbas 2010-01-11 01:21

Re: FeedingIt - RSS Reader
thank you very much for this app..

few things
turn on/off marking text (how about doble click anywhere turns on... double click again off)

the animation when moving between feeds with fingerswipe plays the same from both ways.. abit confusing.. minor

zoom text 10% up and down with vol buttons

scale images to fit view if they are bigger (800px for landscape and 480px for potrait)

make press on links open a dialog "open in webbrowser?".. yes/no.. would hate to have it open browsers by mistake.

again very good app

thank you

Slocan 2010-01-11 01:31

Re: FeedingIt - RSS Reader
Christoph and Laughing Man, those feeds work for me. Make sure that you update the feed after adding it (it is not automatic, and will come up blank until you do).

Chschubert, integration with google reader doesn't seem all that straighforward (no offical API), so maybe something I'll think about it for the long term, but don't hold your breath :)

Slocan 2010-01-11 01:34

Re: FeedingIt - RSS Reader

Originally Posted by claesbas (Post 463157)
turn on/off marking text (how about doble click anywhere turns on... double click again off)

Is that text selection, or something else?

Laughing Man 2010-01-11 01:34

Re: FeedingIt - RSS Reader
Hmm I'll try again. But after adding it and refreshing it doesn't seem to show anything.

Edit: Odd it works now.. strange (what witchcraft did you do!).

claesbas 2010-01-11 01:41

Re: FeedingIt - RSS Reader

Originally Posted by Slocan (Post 463171)
Is that text selection, or something else?

yes I meant text selection

christoph 2010-01-11 12:56

Re: FeedingIt - RSS Reader

Originally Posted by Laughing Man (Post 463172)
Edit: Odd it works now.. strange (what witchcraft did you do!).

Hmm, planet-maemo works for me now too. I did update the feed before, but that didn't help. After deleting and readding the feed, it works. So could you please fix another feed with you witchcraft OTA ?
still does not work. Even after removing and readding several times.

Slocan 2010-01-11 15:58

Re: FeedingIt - RSS Reader

Originally Posted by christoph (Post 464037)
So could you please fix another feed with you witchcraft OTA ?

There is no witchcraft. My guess for the previous feeds were some kind of network error when downloading them.

still does not work. Even after removing and readding several times./QUOTE]That's an interesting one, the feed does not contain any timestamps for its articles. I'll try to get a fix for it later on.

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