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villo 2010-01-17 15:37

Re: Extra Decoders Support for the N900
Slovak Translation:

XB-Maemo-Display-Name_SK: Podpora pridavných dekóderov
XB-Description: Podpora prídavných audio a video dekóderov pre vstavaný Media Player.

dongzhe 2010-01-18 10:47

Re: Extra Decoders Support for the N900
man after I instal your app, my n900 got some problems.

1.sometimes mp4 files are not working and they are all working before.
2. after I did about 10 times swtiching from one video to another, the whole media player is dead. it wont play any videos; Plus even the music player is not working.

3. the previous decoder works fine. after i found this problem i have uninstal your app. but it stil **** up my device.

Man what have you done!!!!! please give me some solutions!

dongzhe 2010-01-18 10:48

Re: Extra Decoders Support for the N900
plus rmvb will not be reconised

dongzhe 2010-01-18 10:53

Re: Extra Decoders Support for the N900
more detail:
the media play will stop play anything after i click on some files that is not supported.
i have to reboot my n900 to make it work again

ViciousXUSMC 2010-01-18 10:58

Re: Extra Decoders Support for the N900

Originally Posted by dongzhe (Post 479565)
man after I instal your app, my n900 got some problems.

1.sometimes mp4 files are not working and they are all working before.
2. after I did about 10 times swtiching from one video to another, the whole media player is dead. it wont play any videos; Plus even the music player is not working.

3. the previous decoder works fine. after i found this problem i have uninstal your app. but it stil **** up my device.

Man what have you done!!!!! please give me some solutions!

What did "he" do? nothing, your the one that installed it. There seems to be some hazardous side effects on the .3 package so I have not installed it, but I think the .1 is stable.

For now I would recommend trying to install .1 and see if it fixes the issue, also make sure you reboot your device.

In a worst case scenario you will maybe need to flash your device back to factory defaults.

Edit: dongzhe look down at the bottom of your post, there is an edit button :D

dongzhe 2010-01-18 11:03

Re: Extra Decoders Support for the N900
can you please tell me how to shut down the media player ? so i don't ned to reboot my device everytime.. just for now

Corwin 2010-01-18 11:09

Re: Extra Decoders Support for the N900

Originally Posted by Tomaszd (Post 453434)

I need your votes to get the update into Extras! :)

BTW, how many more votes are needed to get it promoted?

optimaxxx 2010-01-18 12:57

Re: Extra Decoders Support for the N900
I;d love rm(vb) files to be supported :D

ndi 2010-01-18 14:29

Re: Extra Decoders Support for the N900
It's broken alright in PR 1.1. Videos that played before will not do so after upgrade.

wigglemeyer 2010-01-18 14:48

Re: Extra Decoders Support for the N900
@ndi: same problem here. Two video clips I made worked just fine before the FW update but no longer work, even with this additional codec support.

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