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Bingley Joe 2010-01-20 21:21

Re: pySafe - for personal information security

Originally Posted by jaguilar (Post 484997)
Nope! The database is saved in text format (in fact, it is not a database, only a text file, compressed and encrypted).

To support attachments this approach has to be changed.

Fair enough. It still looks like a nice little app -- thanks!

But for what it's worth, I'd really like the ability to add file attachments as well.. you know.. in case you're feeling ambitious someday ;)

Art.M 2010-01-21 15:28

Re: pySafe - for personal information security
Today i've tested the new build, and the remove item is working! :)

But it still in english, should be traslated without me changing any setting right?

Suggestion: Each time I use portrait mode, I move the splitter bar down since there's only two details in each item, is there a way that pySafe remembers the height of the sections?

jaguilar 2010-01-21 17:40

Re: pySafe - for personal information security

Originally Posted by Bingley Joe (Post 485254)
But for what it's worth, I'd really like the ability to add file attachments as well.. you know.. in case you're feeling ambitious someday ;)'s in a "maybe" list for the future! :)


Originally Posted by Art.M (Post 486794)
But it still in english, should be traslated without me changing any setting right?

In the emulator the program worked the device not! It's fixed...but I will wait for some translations or new features to put in the repository (which will occur, I think, in the weekend).

[QUOTE=Art.M;486794]Suggestion: Each time I use portrait mode, I move the splitter bar down since there's only two details in each item, is there a way that pySafe remembers the height of the sections? is possible!

rm42 2010-01-21 20:06

Re: pySafe - for personal information security
[QUOTE=jaguilar;487043]'s in a "maybe" list for the future! :)

In the emulator the program worked the device not! It's fixed...but I will wait for some translations or new features to put in the repository (which will occur, I think, in the weekend).


Originally Posted by Art.M (Post 486794)
Suggestion: Each time I use portrait mode, I move the splitter bar down since there's only two details in each item, is there a way that pySafe remembers the height of the sections? is possible!

How hard would it be to do a desktop edition?

jaguilar 2010-01-22 00:04

Re: pySafe - for personal information security

Originally Posted by rm42 (Post 487343)
How hard would it be to do a desktop edition?

I really don't know how hard it would be. In fact, the major libraries used are from python, so it runs in the desktop. But there are a few things Maemo specific (like the window and menu).

jaguilar 2010-01-22 21:09

Re: pySafe - for personal information security
New version available

- fixed issue with translations
- saves the windows slider sizes (both landscape and portrait)

I will try now to make the program runnable in a desktop.

Art.M 2010-01-24 21:01

Re: pySafe - for personal information security
I do have some issues with the new version

First: Gets stuck and the details pane doesn't update with the selected item of the list, also can't return to groups. This happens after starting pySafe and then create a new item or delete one.

Second: It looks like there's a max value for the splitter position saved value, because in portrait mode i keep only two items visible in the details pane and after restart of pySafe it keeps 4 visible.

Thanks for the app again.

jaguilar 2010-01-25 18:56

Re: pySafe - for personal information security
Hi Art.M,


Originally Posted by Art.M (Post 492444)
First: Gets stuck and the details pane doesn't update with the selected item of the list, also can't return to groups. This happens after starting pySafe and then create a new item or delete one.

Fixed in the new version, already in the repository.


Originally Posted by Art.M (Post 492444)
Second: It looks like there's a max value for the splitter position saved value, because in portrait mode i keep only two items visible in the details pane and after restart of pySafe it keeps 4 visible.

This appear to be a problem with Python and GTK libraries. I made some tests, and in all of them the slider always stays in the middle of the screen, no matter what value I put in the property (except when used a value less than the middle of screen itself).

I'll do some searchs about it.

Thanks for the feedback! :)

Netweaver 2010-01-25 19:24

Re: pySafe - for personal information security

Originally Posted by gLobster (Post 479972)
What you think about PC desktop application & sync ? And import & export from handy safe :) ?

PLEASE .... Import from HandySafe would be sooo good. :)

Even import from an exported HandySafe file would be enough, if it's too hard to find out the internal fileformat of Handy Safe, then don't bother, just an text file importer will do fine...

Recent HandySafe versions can export to a normal text file. I can send you a (password gobbled-up) export file, so you can create a universal import filter, if you have time ... Just let me know. Basically it's Handy Safe that keeps my dinosaur (but still good) E61 phone around.

Of course, some more things on your todo/maybe-one-day list (but second to the import) :

- desktop version & sync (2-way record level would be fantastic)

- get/put the userID/password (& certificates ...?) data from MicroB/Firefox (I can see a entry-level Weave coming...)

I would pay money for this whole feature set, at a HandySafe usability level !! Straight away ! Recognition should be give and I'm happy to pay for good software, as I've always done, if that can help innovation and support :)

Thanks already for getting us this far !


jaguilar 2010-01-26 16:16

Re: pySafe - for personal information security

Originally Posted by Netweaver (Post 494157)
PLEASE .... Import from HandySafe would be sooo good. :)

Even import from an exported HandySafe file would be enough, if it's too hard to find out the internal fileformat of Handy Safe, then don't bother, just an text file importer will do fine...

Recent HandySafe versions can export to a normal text file. I can send you a (password gobbled-up) export file, so you can create a universal import filter, if you have time ... Just let me know. Basically it's Handy Safe that keeps my dinosaur (but still good) E61 phone around.

If you can send me a example of the file exported for Handy Safe, then I will try to make the import.

But it needs to be in text format! The real database of Handy Safe is almost impossible to break.


Originally Posted by Netweaver (Post 494157)
- desktop version & sync (2-way record level would be fantastic)

It is in my plans! As far as I learn how to develop a desktop application with GUI. :)


Originally Posted by Netweaver (Post 494157)
- get/put the userID/password (& certificates ...?) data from MicroB/Firefox (I can see a entry-level Weave coming...)

To be honest, this is not in my mind for now. The main reason is that I don't know anything about how I could do it!


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