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filbert 2010-01-21 21:30

Re: HOWTO: Syncevolution with N900
An alternative explanation of using syncevolution with the N900 can be found on the Memotoo wiki here

It still needs a bit of technical background to get running (if you can use vi and chmod, you'll have no problems)
It also describes adding a button to the desktop to run it.

I have just signed up with Memtoo and it looks promising.



alexios 2010-01-23 12:13

Re: HOWTO: Syncevolution with N900

Originally Posted by paai (Post 467751)
Can you, or somebody else confirm that this will work with a local Linux PC without a detour in the cloud, before I go to the trouble of installing that stuff?

It still needs IP to work, but you COULD conceivably run Funambol on your own PC. You'd obviously still need an IP connection between the tablet and PC.

Personally, I run Funambol on a company server, so I can sync my various devices to a central location. I've just embarked on a quest to (somehow) get decent syncing between the N900 and KDE4. As per usual, the biggest obstacle is KDEPIM and its various bugs. *sigh*

jinx 2010-01-23 13:42

Re: HOWTO: Syncevolution with N900
oh, man. it's really hard to keep track of all the possibilities, working and not working, to sync with the N900...

I believe what most people want is either sync over a server or sync directly with their local desktop machine. only the first appears to work the one or the other way...

dumps 2010-01-26 09:18

Re: HOWTO: Syncevolution with N900
I'm trying to synch calendar data with my Desknow server ( and receive the following error after triggering a synchronization :

"SoupTransport Failure: http://servername/desknow/sync via libsoup: Internal Server Error".

Log of the Desknow server :
[http-1000-Processor23]SyncServer: Unexpected exception.
org.syncml.SYNCMLParseException: Unexpected Token [namespace=syncml:devinf,name=CTCap,ext=-1,id=150,type=1,line/column=1/288]

I already contacted Desknow's support and they are telling me "Syncevolution uses the Synthesis SyncML engine, which DeskNow is fully compatible with. Make sure it uses SyncML 1.1 protocol".

Any help on how to solve this would very much appreciated, thanks.

Yminus 2010-01-27 22:53

Re: HOWTO: Syncevolution with N900

Originally Posted by tarek (Post 474488)
I find the N900's compatibility with GNU/Linux to be just fine..

Sorry, but I can't agree. Maybe I'm a bit naive, but when I decided to buy this Nokia N900 I bought it because I thought it was a real Linux smart-phone. Please let me explain:
My girlfriend got an iPhone as a gift. First she was quite happy about it, but then we found out, that without iTunes it is nothing more than a nice looking mobile phone. Since we have no Windows PC or Mac and since there is no iTunes for Linux this iPhone is of no use for her.

When I heard about the N900 I could not image, that there would be any compatibility issue with our Linux boxes. And I really thought syncing with a pc is a basic feature any modern phone would support.


Originally Posted by tarek (Post 474488)
I suspect one of the issues you're having is that there is little developer interest in the exact thing you're trying to do, though you can always commit to what you want by donating to the developers working on it.

I spent 500EUR for this phone so I think it is up to Nokia to regularly pay a developer for this. After I found out that there is no Linux version of the Nokia PC Suite I asked the Nokia support how to sync my N900.


Nokia selbst bietet keine Software/Treiber zur Verwendung/Synchronisation des Nokia N900 mit Linux an.

Dementsprechend können wir leider keine Aussage über die Existenz und Verfügbarkeit bzw. Kompatibilität der Nokia Produkte, mit Linux Software treffen. Daher bitten wir Sie freundlichst, sich an den Anbieter der Linux - Software zu wenden, da uns die Informationen, um Ihnen kompetent weiterzuhelfen zu können, nicht vorliegen.
In english (shortened) : "Nokia offers no sw/drivers for syncing the N900 with Linux.
Thus we can't tell about the compatibility of Nokia products with Linux sw. Therefore we ask you kindly to pose your question to your Linux-Software provider."

I mean, can you imagine a Windows Mobile phone not to sync with a windows pc or an iPhone to be incompatible with a Mac? Why then is it taken for granted that syncing a Linux phone with a Linux pc is not supported?

chemist 2010-01-28 16:38

Re: HOWTO: Syncevolution with N900
SyncEvolution is on its way, so stay calm. It is Linux and if there is hardware to sync with then there will be software to sync with! If you are not able to sync your phone via scripts and CLI by hand then you have to wait!
They just did not do a SyncML daemon and SyncEvolution lacks BT support in the pre-build package, so for BT you need to build your own... The device didnt even arrive in Europe properly and you are all about arguing about what nokia should do or leave.
Most of the "normal" phones are with linux based OS but are close to unsyncable with linux sometimes... This is a device to test out what is missing if we add a phone to our NITs... so it be... they did not stop working on it and with the release of M5 it was said that most of the programmers start to implement harmattan (M6) and only some are working on the testing version. If the first answer to some question is "harmattan" then you can guess that they know about but are doing it in Qt4.6 instead of 3.9 or 4.0! I guess thats life! You may swap over to android, buy another phone or just start contributing instead of complaining on every single bit you are missing...

PS syncEvolution is (or will be soon) in extras-devel "NOT FOR NORMAL USERS; YOU MAY BRICK YOUR DEVICE!"

rene 2010-01-29 18:50

Re: HOWTO: Syncevolution with N900
After some twiddling, now works for me against Egroupware. I've documented the steps here. Thanks for providing the package!

evad 2010-01-30 02:17

Re: HOWTO: Syncevolution with N900
Anyone tried syncevolution with Syncing calendar seems to work OK both ways, but tasks are only synced from server to device and I can't get them sync from device to server.

Tried to change backend/format values in config.ini, also twekaed sync mode (slow, two-way, one-way-from-client etc.) but nothing works, only server-to-device tasks syncing is working. :(

I've seen in syncevolution's blog post that isn't part of regular testing, so I'm happy to become that particular service tester.

Yminus 2010-01-30 11:37

Re: HOWTO: Syncevolution with N900
Thank you, chemist, for the links, I will have a look at them and do what one always have to do on a linux machine: fix it yourself or wait until someone else does it.

All in all the N900 is a very good device - a mini computer like I always wanted it. I just was disappointed when I plugged the N900 into my laptop, saw the "PC Suite Mode" and found out it aims at Windows machines and is useless for me. But I admit that this is not the right place to express my anger about the ongoing disregard of Linux users by major companies. I did not want to dispraise the open source communities efforts or affront any member of this community.

mannakiosk 2010-02-02 11:22

Re: HOWTO: Syncevolution with N900
And now syncevolution has appeared in extras-testing:

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