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Miika 2010-01-16 15:53

Re: Angry Birds Level editor

Originally Posted by moose32 (Post 475581)
off-topic.. do you have any idea when ovi will add the level pack 1 back into the app store?

Nope, sorry. :(

c0rt3x 2010-01-17 21:35

Re: Angry Birds Level editor

Originally Posted by Miika (Post 476362)
Nope, sorry. :(

There must be a reason why you guys entitled it "Level Pack 1", right? Right!? ;)

kopte3 2010-01-18 00:01

Re: [Maemo 5] Angry Birds Level Editor?
Miika, can you share with us some more information, like do you plan to make something else? More games?
Or are you happy with results so far from Maemo platform?

Miika 2010-01-18 08:44

Re: Angry Birds Level editor

Originally Posted by c0rt3x (Post 478680)
There must be a reason why you guys entitled it "Level Pack 1", right? Right!? ;)

What on earth makes you think that? ;)
Yes, more content is coming soon. We'll just have to hope Nokia gets Ovi Store fixed so we can actually distribute the pack to customers also...

forcer 2010-01-19 18:52

Re: [Maemo 5] Angry Birds Level Editor?
1 Attachment(s)
Level editor:

Ok, seems we are getting somewhere, however I seem to be too lame to compile the luadec51 with modified lua-5.1 (damn, why those people can't add Makefile into the dist?)

Reason why I was not able to decompile the lua script first time, was because Rovio uses different version of lua that has default number type set to float instead of double. I was able to get over that and I attached the dissasembly of Level1.lua (unfortunately chunkspy lacks the ability to generate original structure of source code)

If someone can help push it to even more readable form, inform me.

ewan 2010-01-19 18:56

Re: Angry Birds Level editor

Originally Posted by Miika (Post 479404)
What on earth makes you think that? ;)
Yes, more content is coming soon. We'll just have to hope Nokia gets Ovi Store fixed so we can actually distribute the pack to customers also...

Have you considered selling it via another route? You don't have to go via Ovi.

Bec 2010-01-19 19:35

Re: [Maemo 5] Angry Birds Level Editor?
Yes but having more apps concentrated in one place is nicer than googling for developers and their apps on the net.

forcer 2010-01-19 20:28

Re: [Maemo 5] Angry Birds Level Editor?
2 Attachment(s)
Success! I have managed to actualy EDIT the level file, and it works like charm..

I have attached pack1 -> level1.lua (no changes were made)
just edit it with your favourite text editor and copy it to
DONT FORGET TO MAKE A BACKUP, you're actualy overwriting existing Level1.lua file!!!

You don't have to compile it back as lua interpreter does not care if it's compiled or not.

EDIT: I have updated the level file so it's more readable, now it's time for implementing editor... keep fingers crossed!

EDIT: uploaded screenshot of some basic changes to Level1

Bec 2010-01-19 22:19

Re: [Maemo 5] Angry Birds Level Editor?
This will be EPIC!

no mercy 2010-01-19 22:22

Re: [Maemo 5] Angry Birds Level Editor?
gogogo ;) i would like to have a editor asap ;)

they game would grow so fast if there is an editor ;)

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