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thelushlife 2010-02-04 00:30

Re: How many of you changed carriers just for the N900?
over here in singapore, the n900 isn't available yet. all 3 local carriers have full 3.5G 7.2mbps download speeds available, so there's not too much difference in switching carriers.

i just bought an export set, put in my current 3g sim card and was good to go!

fsantiago36 2010-02-04 00:35

Re: How many of you changed carriers just for the N900?
I had tmobile with an 8900 blackberry and even though the n900 isnt a blackberry it is faster web wise and applications are catching up. Maemo has come a long way. Will I buy the next version without a physical keyboard probably not. I like having a real keyboard to type on.

cloudstrife1ph 2010-02-04 00:36

Re: How many of you changed carriers just for the N900?
been on t-mo since migrating to the us shores. i can't switch to cdma networks since they are too locked for my preference. t-mo got cheaper plans than att and i'm not stupid enough to fall on the godly phone named iphone to go to them...

thank God i tried to control myself for not buying pharos 137 and htc tytn 2. thank you nokia for giving this awesome device the elusive 1700 mhz 3g support =)

mcdull 2010-02-04 00:39

Re: How many of you changed carriers just for the N900?
From AT&T to T-Mobile.

My contract with AT&T ended 1.5 year ago, from N93i, N95 to 5800XM, always wanted to change but there was no good 3G phone on T-Mobile (sorry, I'm not a Android lover), until the N900.

I'm definitely happy with the change, used to pay AT&T US$55+, the same plan now costs me only US$40+ and no contract :D

dharder 2010-02-04 01:08

Re: How many of you changed carriers just for the N900?
I have been seriously contemplating the switch from AT&T to TMo in Chicago but I haven't really "needed" the 3G speeds enough to break my contract. I am paying about $100 a month (with taxes). What's the bill difference if you don't mind sharing? Also, the battery life. I get a whole 18-hour day of use out of it with a few ticks to spare.

Markosib 2010-02-04 01:23

Re: How many of you changed carriers just for the N900?
I bought a HSPA sim for full 3.5G in Australia (from Exetel), $0.015 per Mb unlimited, 25c per 30 sec, no contract ! I'm in a rural area (Byron Bay) but still get 3.5G most of the time. Cool

mcdull 2010-02-04 01:31

Re: How many of you changed carriers just for the N900?

Originally Posted by dharder (Post 509660)
I have been seriously contemplating the switch from AT&T to TMo in Chicago but I haven't really "needed" the 3G speeds enough to break my contract. I am paying about $100 a month (with taxes). What's the bill difference if you don't mind sharing? Also, the battery life. I get a whole 18-hour day of use out of it with a few ticks to spare.

T-Mobile Even More Plus no contract plan unlimited minute is $49.99 + unlimited Text $10 = $59.99
add a $10 unlimited web plan for dumbphone, total is $69.99 + tax and fee (probably around $80) for everything unlimited

I use only 500min plan $29.99 + $10 unlimited web. I usually do fewer than 30 SMS, so don't need the unlimited text.

planetf1 2010-02-04 06:39

Re: How many of you changed carriers just for the N900?
I guess we're fortunate in UK/Europe that mobile telephony has been pretty standardized for many years (since GSM). This has led to a very progressive market.

Unlike the US where the CDMA vs GSM, and now the 3G frequency selection has to some extent hampered the market

TA-t3 2010-02-04 10:44

Re: How many of you changed carriers just for the N900?
I voted, but maybe I shouldn't have.. this poll should maybe be reserved for US users, as that's where it's really an issue at all (in Europe all carriers are GSM/3G anyway).

dreadnought 2010-02-04 11:29

Re: How many of you changed carriers just for the N900?
I switched from O2 PAYG here in the UK to T-mobile to get on the Mobile Phones Direct contract deal (700 mins, unlimited text and 1GB fair use internet a month) for £35.

Generally, very happy, 3g data is generally faster and more reliable on T-mobile (I think it's all the iphone users on O2 sucking up the bandwidth) but the real annoying thing is that the one place I can't get a signal on T-mobile is my house - well, not completely true, I can't get a signal on the first 2 floors but if I go up to my attic I get a wonderful signal! On O2 I always had a great signal in my house...

My hope is that when T-mobile merge with Orange I might begin to get a better signal

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