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BLC 2010-05-10 08:23

Re: PhotoTranslator application for the N900

Originally Posted by zchydem (Post 571030)
We needed to remove some language support from tesseract in order to make package size smaller. For more details about future plans, check the blog entry:

Could you post a link to the "full" version?
I need those extra languages...
I don't care about size.

Thanks in Advance.

It's a wonderful app.

Nixmix 2010-05-25 16:07

Re: PhotoTranslator application for the N900
I've updated to version 1.2 yet am still getting error:
'Application packages missing:

Damn annoying as have been waiting to install this app for ages!
Have tried apt-get install libqt4-core and dbus in root but its telling me I already have the most up to date versions :(
Help please!!

zchydem 2010-05-26 05:36

Re: PhotoTranslator application for the N900
Nixmix I'll ask from our developers where the problem is. We'll get back to you soon. Thanks for doing important testing for us.

Nixmix 2010-05-26 19:45

Re: PhotoTranslator application for the N900

Originally Posted by zchydem (Post 677932)
Nixmix I'll ask from our developers where the problem is. We'll get back to you soon. Thanks for doing important testing for us.

You can hang on. Tried to install today and it worked. No idea why as I didnt change anything since!
Ah well I'm happy now :)

Megaltariak 2010-05-26 19:58

Re: PhotoTranslator application for the N900
Very good and useful application :)
The new update bring direct image capture from the app (very useful but still a bit buggy) and a new file explorer for the picture selection (far better than the native one from maemo for selecting picture) :)

zchydem 2010-05-26 19:59

Re: PhotoTranslator application for the N900
Yes, I noticed too that it worked out-of-box after I installed my PR 1.2 update (two hours ago). I also informed our developers about the bugs I found after couple minutes playing with PhotoTranslator.

Let's hope that they'll get those bugs fixed asap.

bull81 2010-05-27 13:51

Re: PhotoTranslator application for the N900
I am keep getting an error when I hit translate:
"No text found from the photo selection. Try change the photo selection and check the Language Dictionary was installed. (Settings/OCR Dictionary)"

Yes the photo is sharp line of black text on white background
I installed required dictionaries.

It's every time I try it so I assume I am missing something. Anyone got something like this

ps. Taking photo from program very useful but I can't manage to get focus.


BLC 2010-05-29 09:13

Re: PhotoTranslator application for the N900
What about other languages support?
Any update on this matter?

Majestic12 2010-05-31 00:30

Re: PhotoTranslator application for the N900

Originally Posted by bull81 (Post 682816)
I am keep getting an error when I hit translate:
"No text found from the photo selection. Try change the photo selection and check the Language Dictionary was installed. (Settings/OCR Dictionary)"

Yes the photo is sharp line of black text on white background
I installed required dictionaries.

It's every time I try it so I assume I am missing something. Anyone got something like this

ps. Taking photo from program very useful but I can't manage to get focus.


I have the same problem.

johnny_knoe 2010-06-01 00:13

Re: PhotoTranslator application for the N900

Originally Posted by Majestic12 (Post 690869)
I have the same problem.

Me too! Same error message.

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