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No!No!No!Yes! 2010-03-08 01:12

Re: [Announce] Queen BeeCon Widget: Customizable and flexible monitoring tool.
Just a preview of how 0.1.3 is gonna look like...

Sometimes ... you win...

Sometimes ... you lose...

And sometimes ... it just ... rains!!!

Now only your fantasy and artistic skill are your boundaries ... :D

As soon as I can have some sleep ... I'll try to prepare a tutorial about how I made MLBeecon.

Ciao, No!No!No!Yes!

No!No!No!Yes! 2010-03-08 11:11

Re: [Announce] Queen BeeCon Widget: Customizable and flexible monitoring tool.
... and Hot Stove for TV Series Beecon in the brewery!!!

Still internal testing for 0.1.3...

Change Log:
* New: Added possibility to show or hide both snippet's image/text and beecon image/text. This way you can have two images and two text placeholders on widget, for more flexibility in graphic layout
* New: Added supplementary images/icons directory storage "~/Mydocs/.images/queen_beecon_dir". If images/icons without path are not found here then they are searched in "~/.queen_beecon_dir". For easier population via USB of BLUETOOTH File Services.
* New: Added functions in Advanced Maintenance Dialog Box: instance export/import w/ checksum, command export/import w/ checksum, command update with current Test Drive buffer, clipboard operations
* New: Added some confirmation dialogs for critical operations and some notification messages
* New: Added possibility to use different images/icons for Command Exit Statuses >=3 . Basically the Exit Status value will be appended to a fixed image filename and relevant image will be loaded (ex. "queen-beecon-status.png.3" ... 4 ... 5 ...)
* New: Basic Images/Icons for Snippets and Beecon Statuses incorporated into .deb package and installed inside canonical hildon hicolor 48x48 directory
* Bugfixing: Fixed size and positioning of controls in Advanced Maintenance Dialog Box
* Bugfixing: Removed directory purge in "" script
* Bugfixing: Checked and removed some memory leaks and resources deallocation (were causing hildon-home desktop to crash on instance disposal)
* Changed: Restyle and lots of optimization in Settings Dialog Box UI layout
* Changed: Widget's fill gradients when background is enabled
* Changed: Restyle in Advanced Maintenance Dialog Box interface, now more functional and user friendly
* Changed: When opening Advanced Maintenance Dialog Box, command in current instance is automatically copied to the TestDrive command text box
* Changed: Advanced Maintenance Dialog Box changed font to Monospace Bold for the three text views for inproved visibility

No!No!No!Yes! 2010-03-10 21:53

Re: [Announce] Queen BeeCon Widget: Customizable and flexible monitoring tool.
Icons galore ... to play smooth!!! :cool:

A nice set of tools ... to play rough!!! :eek:

No!No!No!Yes! 2010-03-10 22:27

Re: [Announce] Queen BeeCon Widget: Customizable and flexible monitoring tool.
WARNING! Feel free to play with this software, but be aware that this is software under development. For further info please READ THIS!!!

0.1.3 now in extras-devel ... stick with this ... as it is the most stable of all around. Don't bother with 0.1.1 in extras-testing as it has been demoted for too much instability.

As I promised I just need some spare time to write a little tutorial for the MLBeecon or the TV Rage Beecon ... stay tuned.

No!No!No!Yes! 2010-03-15 12:45

Re: [Announce] Queen BeeCon Widget: Customizable and flexible monitoring tool.
Beecon for Italian Serie A Soccer League

In code, replace f="JUVENTUS" with f="<your team>"


wget -t 1 -T 3 -q -O - "" | awk 'BEGIN {        FS="[<>\"]";f="JUVENTUS";r=-1;}$3=="giornata" {        print "<big><span foreground=\"cyan\" size=\"x-large\"><b>Serie A [" $11 "]</b></span></big>";next;}$5=="text-decoration:none" {gsub(/ &nbsp; /,"",$7) rs = $7 " " $9;if(index($7,f)!=0){rs = "<span foreground=\"blue\"><b>" rs "</b></span>";split($7,t,"[ -]+");split($9,s,"[ -]+");if ((t[1]==f && s[1]>s[2])||(t[2]==f && s[2]>s[1])) r=0;else {if(s[1]==s[2]) r=1;else r=2;}}print rs;next;}END{exit r}'

No!No!No!Yes! 2010-03-15 23:55

Re: [Announce] Queen BeeCon Widget: Customizable and flexible monitoring tool.
And now in 0.1.4 version still in internal testing ... the possibility to have Minimized/Standby Beecons which are ready to be activated and maximized with just a click on the sleeping beecon icon!!!
  1. TVRage (TV Show of the Day), Italian Serie A last sunday's soccer results, MLB Yesterday and Today results ... beecons maximized and active

  2. TVRage (TV Show of the Day), Italian Serie A last sunday's soccer results, MLB Today results ... beecons maximized and active, MLB Yesterday beecon minimized and disabled but ready to full service again with just one click on it.

  3. TVRage (TV Show of the Day) beecon ... maximized and active, Italian Serie A last sunday's soccer results, MLB Today results, MLB Yesterday beecon minimized and disabled but ready to full service again with just one click on them.

No!No!No!Yes! 2010-03-16 00:22

Re: [Announce] Queen BeeCon Widget: Customizable and flexible monitoring tool.

No!No!No!Yes! 2010-03-16 13:28

Re: [Announce] Queen BeeCon Widget: Customizable and flexible monitoring tool.
queen-beecon (0.1.4) now in extras-devel

* New: Implementation of Widget Instance disabling and minimizing on desktop (click on minimized icon on desktop will wakeup and maximize instance)
* New: Implementation of image/icon scaling function for all images used (Zoom In/Out from 5% to 200% or Fit to Widget Width/Height)
* Bugfixing: In Advanced Maintenance Dialog Box several bugfixes for Import/Export commands and instances

and a preview of what is now possible!!!

Milan (Italy) Ringroad Live Traffic Beecon


Beecon Export soon available!

Credits go to the cited Companies, Organizations, Product, Services. Please report if any contents is neither appropriate nor allowed to be published and it will be removed within short time span.

Bratag 2010-03-16 13:33

Re: [Announce] Queen BeeCon Widget: Customizable and flexible monitoring tool.
Wow this app is sure growing up fast :)

No!No!No!Yes! 2010-03-18 15:08

Queen BeeCon Widget: Import of Beecon Exported Instance Data BeeCon Widget
[HowTo] Import Procedure for Beecon Exported Instance Data

Make sure you have already copied into your phone's clipboard the Beecon Exported Instance Data
  1. Then three usual and basic steps to instantiate the Widget:

  2. Now click on the Settings Wrench Icon and we reach the Settins Dialog.

  3. Click on the "Advanced" button (1)

  4. Confirm that we are PROFESSIONALS :) and we know what we are doing. Button (1)

  5. We reach the Advanced Settings and Tools Dialog Box... scroll down to the bottom.

  6. We reach following screen. If we press Button (1), we paste our Exported Instance Data into the Import/Export buffer, ready to be processed.

  7. After the Import Buffer is filled with Import Data, let's click on Import Snippet/Beecon Button (1)

  8. And confirm we really want to Import our Instance

  9. SUCCESS!!! We have now imported our Exported Instance.

  10. Let's dismiss the warning and, after imported data is reloaded, we will be back at our Instance Settings Dialog Box. You'll see the new instance data [Buttons (1)(2)(3)(4))
    And we start our newly created Beecon by saving data and running with Button (5)

And now proceed with instance specific post-import steps!!!

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