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planetf1 2010-03-22 17:39

Re: TwitterBox is now TweeGo!
Same here -- I guess garage has problems?

whaleyboy 2010-03-22 17:59

Re: TwitterBox is now TweeGo!
Looks great! When can we expect to see it in extras-devel? (for us adventurous but slightly inept users!)

rodavelino 2010-03-22 18:43

Re: TwitterBox is now TweeGo!

Originally Posted by dwould (Post 577448)
Twitter is due to shut down the basic auth support in June I believe, so better get working on OAuth support ;-)

We're already thinking about it, we're gonna fix most bugs now and add a couple features on this week release, and OAuth support should be available on the following release.

Hossie 2010-03-22 19:17

Re: TwitterBox is now TweeGo!
One important feature would also be setting the number of posts fetched by default. :)

rodavelino 2010-03-22 22:02

Re: TwitterBox is now TweeGo!

Originally Posted by whaleyboy (Post 577537)
Looks great! When can we expect to see it in extras-devel? (for us adventurous but slightly inept users!)

Soon, after we fix some bugs I will make it available at extras-devel.

planetf1 2010-03-23 06:25

Re: TwitterBox is now TweeGo!
That would be good -- the .deb in the files section on garage still is something I can't download (other projects are fine)

bandora 2010-03-23 07:09

Re: TwitterBox is now TweeGo!
TweeGo for MeeGo! :)

fw190 2010-03-23 10:27

Re: TwitterBox is now TweeGo!
The same for me. I can't download the deb file

xgrind 2010-03-23 10:37

Re: TwitterBox is now TweeGo!
I have problem running the app.

When the app starts up, after the spinning circle moves off the screen downwards, the app will close by itself.

I'm looking forward to using this app, can the developer help me in resolving this?

When I was installing the deb file, it was indicating that qt4-maemo5-network and qt4-maemo5-core is not installed, but I can't find any site (I used google BTW) that can help me on this.

Please advise. Thanks.

m165 2010-03-23 10:49

Re: TwitterBox is now TweeGo!

Originally Posted by xgrind (Post 578430)
I have problem running the app.

When the app starts up, after the spinning circle moves off the screen downwards, the app will close by itself.

I'm looking forward to using this app, can the developer help me in resolving this?

When I was installing the deb file, it was indicating that qt4-maemo5-network and qt4-maemo5-core is not installed, but I can't find any site (I used google BTW) that can help me on this.

Please advise. Thanks.

Try downloading the "Mobile Weather" app, that should install all the required dependancies for Tweego :)

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