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saxen 2010-05-05 08:29

Re: [ANNOUNCE] VertSMS - portrait sms'ing in extras-dev
about integration with conversations, there is a way to import sms(retro conversation is based on it), so that could be a solution...automatically import sms once it has been sent?!

aspidites 2010-05-05 08:29

Re: [ANNOUNCE] VertSMS - portrait sms'ing in extras-dev
1 Attachment(s)

Originally Posted by navsin (Post 644051)
an important functionality that could be added is sending texts to multiple recipients.....

Technically just a few lines of code to implement. In fact, I have done so, as witnessed by the screenshot below (Which is NOT a mock-up).

The problem is that a lot of horizontal space is wasted using the built in dialog, so names are unreadable.

I would suggest subclassing it and just rearranging things, but the dialog is created via a static method. As such, to get something usable, I think this would require a custom contacts dialog. If I'm right, I imagine this feature will be put on the back burner. Then again, I'm not the sharpest tool in the shed...

I guess we could manipulate the created dialog...dunno...I need to sleep

slender 2010-05-05 08:38

Re: [ANNOUNCE] VertSMS - portrait sms'ing in extras-dev

Originally Posted by aspidites (Post 644125)
Technically just a few lines of code to implement. In fact, I have done so, as witnessed by the screenshot below (Which is NOT a mock-up).

The problem is that a lot of horizontal space is wasted using the built in dialog, so names are unreadable.

So vertical splitting is easy but horizontal splitting needs rewrite of whole contacts module. Did I miss something or is coding really that hard :D

gibsonus 2010-05-05 09:12

Re: [ANNOUNCE] VertSMS - portrait sms'ing in extras-dev
i like this :)

i can't input a number to send to without the virtual kb comoimg up in landscape.

it says sent message but it didn't get there on my first test. Predictive texr would be great.

It's looking great so far.

ossipena 2010-05-05 09:27

Re: [ANNOUNCE] VertSMS - portrait sms'ing in extras-dev

Originally Posted by saxen (Post 644124)
about integration with conversations, there is a way to import sms(retro conversation is based on it), so that could be a solution...automatically import sms once it has been sent?!

could you give me more information?

I have already a small code snippet that reads all the messages from el.db so I basically know what to write there but I am still gathering courage for it and start testing tonight.

casper27 2010-05-05 10:05

Re: [ANNOUNCE] VertSMS - portrait sms'ing in extras-dev
downloaded from both Garage and extras-devel but application just crashes straight away. Can't seem to get it started from xterm to see output. Anyone else having same problem?

madnes 2010-05-05 10:15

Re: [ANNOUNCE] VertSMS - portrait sms'ing in extras-dev
Test it a bit.
Sending works good.
No crashes yet.
Some sort of artifact appears when you return from the normal v. keyboard but nothing important.

PR 1.1.1 if it matters.

ossipena 2010-05-05 10:32

Re: [ANNOUNCE] VertSMS - portrait sms'ing in extras-dev

Originally Posted by madnes (Post 644324)
Test it a bit.
Sending works good.
No crashes yet.
Some sort of artifact appears when you return from the normal v. keyboard but nothing important.

PR 1.1.1 if it matters.

I am disabling the virtual keyboard as qwerty12 instructed. so the artifact shouldn't be a problem in the future.

e: I am investigating the crashing. probably missing dependencies.

ossipena 2010-05-05 10:56

Re: [ANNOUNCE] VertSMS - portrait sms'ing in extras-dev

Originally Posted by casper27 (Post 644296)
downloaded from both Garage and extras-devel but application just crashes straight away. Can't seem to get it started from xterm to see output. Anyone else having same problem?

try launching the app by:


python /opt/vertsms/vertsms.pyc
from command line.

oxpo 2010-05-05 11:13

Re: [ANNOUNCE] VertSMS - portrait sms'ing in extras-dev
I don't know if this is something local for Telia, Sweden, but I can't send to contacts in the adress book, if the number is stored as international (+4670... for Sweden). It said "Sending to 004670...." but nothing came through (I sent to myself)
When I changed to a local number (070....) I could send.


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