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matthew_exon 2011-07-14 23:45

Re: Modest patch: offline IMAP support
If you mean the offline imap patches, I tried to explain the process as simply as I could at the top of this page:

Is there something confusing there?

hawaii 2011-07-15 02:17

Re: Modest patch: offline IMAP support
Nothing confusing at all. I've been using them for 6+ months with no issues. Thanks for your work.

Trestry 2011-07-17 15:56

Re: Modest patch: offline IMAP support
The problem is that I am using the CSSU. The CSSU provides an updated version of modest. When I try apt-get install modest, I get the message that modest is already the newest version.

Can you provide the deb file please?

hawaii 2011-07-17 21:39

Re: Modest patch: offline IMAP support
There are binary packages on his site.

Trestry 2011-07-17 22:42

Re: Modest patch: offline IMAP support
The only thing I can find is the .diff file, but I don't know how to install it.
Can you provide a link to the .deb?

matthew_exon 2011-07-17 23:02

Re: Modest patch: offline IMAP support
The .debs are here:

But I would probably recommend against mixing CSSU and this version of Modest. Anything fixed in the CSSU version won't be fixed in my version.

Trestry 2011-07-17 23:25

Re: Modest patch: offline IMAP support
Thank you very much!

It would be great if your patch could be included in the CSSU. That way we get a version of modest with latest fixes from the CSSU and the offline imap fix.

jerryfreak 2011-07-17 23:31

Re: Modest patch: offline IMAP support
i second this.

CSSU is a great effort, and modest needs to be all it can be!

matthew_exon 2011-07-17 23:40

Re: Modest patch: offline IMAP support
Oh, forgot to mention that you also need the patched .debs of Tinymail:

matthew_exon 2011-07-17 23:52

Re: Modest patch: offline IMAP support
I asked for the offline IMAP stuff to be merged into the official trunk several times, and never got a friendly response, so I gave up. Recently pali asked for it to be merged into the CSSU and he also doesn't seem to have had much success.

I'm afraid I've all but given up on open source generally and am looking forward to buying a non-Maemo smart phone. Until then my patched version is good enough for me.

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