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pelago 2010-06-17 09:07

Re: Looks like the MeeGo Handset UX is almost out
Reading through the doc, I'm wondering exactly how much this is about the open-source MeeGo Reference Handset UX and how much it is about the Nokia closed-source MeeGo-Harmattan UX. This is because the doc refers to Ovi more than once, which obviously is a Nokia-only thing.

afaq 2010-06-17 09:15

Re: Looks like the MeeGo Handset UX is almost out
These things stuck out for me.

Tasks are shown in the order they were opened, from left to right. Every time a new task is opened, it pushes the previous task panels to the left and adds its thumbnail view to the far right.

Users can use a pinch multi-touch motion to change the switcher into an overview mode. By pinching in, thumbnails move into a grid display. The grid can scale up to a 3x3 version, thereafter the switcher then starts to create new pages. Pinching out, while in the grid mode, changes the view back to larger stacked mode.

Reminds me of N8's horizontal stack view for multi tasking minus the pinch to grid function. Not sure how I feel about swiping to get to the window i want. However if you can default this view to grid - then i like :D

UI Feedback
You can use tactile feedback alone, when it is appropriate to confirm the user’s action, but a visual confirmation message is too much. For example, connecting the charger and the device starting to charge (as opposed to not starting, due to a wrong charger type, for example). In this case, haptic feedback can also be used because the user is in physical contact with the charger connector and the device.

This is just great. Makes sense doesnt it? I'm also quite annoyed that a message tells me everytime I unplug my phone from the charger that I should pull it out of the wall to save power. Ok. I get it.

Text Input
MeeGo provides support to both virtual and hardware keyboards

Good. I need me a physical keyboard.

stickymick 2010-06-17 09:17

Re: Looks like the MeeGo Handset UX is almost out
Gonna read through it later. I got the Google cached page saved as an HTML doc.

jsa 2010-06-17 09:27

Re: Looks like the MeeGo Handset UX is almost out

Originally Posted by pelago (Post 718903)
Reading through the doc, I'm wondering exactly how much this is about the open-source MeeGo Reference Handset UX and how much it is about the Nokia closed-source MeeGo-Harmattan UX. This is because the doc refers to Ovi more than once, which obviously is a Nokia-only thing.

I think the most of the principles it describes are enabled by the UX framework and thus should be applicable to the reference implementation too. Ovi stuff is obviously Nokia only. Very Maemo-ish, as was expected. Extendable, IM presence, widget area, multitasking, etc. Nice to see global search added.

adancau 2010-06-17 09:30

Re: Looks like the MeeGo Handset UX is almost out
Page gone.. So much for transparency... :)

johnel 2010-06-17 09:31

Re: Looks like the MeeGo Handset UX is almost out
Nokia have done some great stuff with open source - Qt, development tools and potenetially MeeGo - a new os for your computer/phone.

However, the secrecy sorrounding their developments is beginning to p*** me off!

The MeeGo UX is really exciting but there is very little information about it.

If Nokia are paranoid about how the competition is going to react then why open-source the developments?

To be honest I'm growing a bit skeptical about MeeGo.

juise- 2010-06-17 09:46

Re: Looks like the MeeGo Handset UX is almost out

Originally Posted by johnel (Post 718924)
If Nokia are paranoid about how the competition is going to react then why open-source the developments?

Well, open development process and open sourcing a piece of software once it's released, are two different things.

It seems Nokia is going for the latter mostly.

sjgadsby 2010-06-17 10:24

Re: Looks like the MeeGo Handset UX is almost out

Originally Posted by gviterbo (Post 718615)
Why did they even title it "Bananas and Pears"?

The Bananas and Pears seem much better than that cherry we were served earlier, so I'm happy.

sevla 2010-06-17 12:16

Re: Looks like the MeeGo Handset UX is almost out

Text Input

MeeGo provides support to both virtual and hardware keyboards.

The virtual keyboard is invoked automatically when an input field is in focus (that is when the user taps an input field). The Title Bar and Status disappear to optimize screen real estate. It has a portrait and landscape layout, opening according to the orientation it is being called from. If the user rotates the device, the layout is smoothly changed according to the new orientation.
yay for portrait mode keyboard?

chemist 2010-06-17 13:11

Re: Looks like the MeeGo Handset UX is almost out
send me a PM if the google cache disappears, have the page saved as wiki entry and CC makes it last forever

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