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felbutss 2010-07-21 13:38

Re: System Slow Down Every 3 Days - Possible Memory Leak?

running all of the bellow is making my n900 run like it was just flashed


sudo gainroot
echo 1 > /proc/sys/vm/drop_caches
echo 2 > /proc/sys/vm/drop_caches
echo 3 > /proc/sys/vm/drop_caches
killall hildon-desktop
killall hildon-home

sygys 2010-07-21 14:07

Re: System Slow Down Every 3 Days - Possible Memory Leak?
a small app that does these scripts would be awsome! put a shortcut on your desktop or even combine with alarmed so that every day the script will run at lets say 4 am in the morning clearing everything.

maybe a thought!

Flandry 2010-07-21 14:08

Re: System Slow Down Every 3 Days - Possible Memory Leak?

Originally Posted by felbutss (Post 758840)

this was the reason why PR1.2 was delayed

i logged a bug about this a long time ago

thanks for not fixing it nokia.

Ah thanks, that's the bug i was thinking of.

Comment 41 is about the python/memory issue. There are clearly a lot of different issues involved in that bug report, so if that isn't the particular problem you are having, obviously removing python widgets won't help. It may be that i didn't even notice the hildon-home cycles issue prior to PR1.2 because of the more overwhelming memory sink of python widgets.

With Recaller and Personal IP widgets gone, it's gotten a lot more possible to have week uptimes. Gonna try dropping caches...thanks for that noipv4. :)

bipinbn 2010-07-21 14:46

Re: System Slow Down Every 3 Days - Possible Memory Leak?

Originally Posted by noipv4 (Post 758829)
Try these steps too.

Writing to this will cause the kernel to drop clean caches, dentries and inodes from memory, causing that memory to become free.

To free pagecache:

* echo 1 > /proc/sys/vm/drop_caches

To free dentries and inodes:

* echo 2 > /proc/sys/vm/drop_caches

To free pagecache, dentries and inodes:

* echo 3 > /proc/sys/vm/drop_caches

As this is a non-destructive operation, and dirty objects are not freeable, the user should run "sync" first in order to make sure all cached objects are freed.

Will try this once I have more than 2 days of Uptime after which my N900 starts to freeze.. Thank you very much..

If dropping cache resolves the issue then is it possible to run it as a cron job every 24 hours or something so that we dont have to struggle with this issue...

myeyegooogles 2010-07-21 17:51

Re: System Slow Down Every 3 Days - Possible Memory Leak?
gonna try adding the script to a cron job.

funny I had similar scripts for my slackware 12.2 desktop. I'll check it when I get home tonite!

felbutss 2010-07-21 20:31

Re: System Slow Down Every 3 Days - Possible Memory Leak?
if someone can put my last post commands as a startup script. u r god. a simmple restart and the n900 is perfict.

javispedro 2010-07-21 20:45

Re: System Slow Down Every 3 Days - Possible Memory Leak?

Originally Posted by noipv4 (Post 758829)
Try these steps too.

Writing to this will cause the kernel to drop clean caches, dentries and inodes from memory, causing that memory to become free.

Sigh, not "RAM maximizer" programs again. The only thing this does is to temporarily increase the amount of _unused_ (aka wasted) RAM, normally used in preparation of an hibernation/s2disk.

The net result after it is that the system is _slower_ instead of faster, as it will have to fetch all files from the NAND/eMMC again.

The option is completely useless for any reason other than hardware related (need big physically continuous buffer for XXX operation, need to reduce dirty/cached size because I want to s2disk*) or benchmarking.

*And it's not recommended for recent uswsusp, tuxonice.

myeyegooogles 2010-07-21 22:08

Re: System Slow Down Every 3 Days - Possible Memory Leak?

Originally Posted by felbutss (Post 759869)
if someone can put my last post commands as a startup script. u r god. a simmple restart and the n900 is perfict.

yeah, but the whole things is to not have to restart the phone. it would be way better if you can run the script and be about your day without powering off and on again.

Enyibinakata 2010-07-21 22:43

Re: System Slow Down Every 3 Days - Possible Memory Leak?
I blame the browser. System starts to struggle once a picture heavy site is loaded. There may be a memory leak. People scoff at Android but forget that its JVM based architecture averts memory leaks via garbage collection. A real modern platform albeit running on an archaic Unix based kernel. Nokia need to fix this mess.

felbutss 2010-07-22 00:16

Re: System Slow Down Every 3 Days - Possible Memory Leak?

Originally Posted by Enyibinakata (Post 760006)
I blame the browser. System starts to struggle once a picture heavy site is loaded. There may be a memory leak. People scoff at Android but forget that its JVM based architecture averts memory leaks via garbage collection. A real modern platform albeit running on an archaic Unix based kernel. Nokia need to fix this mess.

yes i agree. i dont have any widgets.

whn i run the browser with greasemonkey, the phone is pritty slow after that

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