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Rocketman 2010-07-23 16:29

Re: fcamera Thread (Bugs, Ideas..etc)

Originally Posted by sdstrowes (Post 762144)

Saving RAW data is really cool, but I expect it's not a common use-case. I think that if the default behaviour were to save as JPEG (in a location the gallery will display it!), but with an option to also save as RAW, that the experience would be more immediately useful for users.

I always shoot Raw + JPEG on my Nikon DSLRs. The RAWs give me much greater latitude for post-processing tom-foolery, but it is handy to have the JPEGs for immediate posting to web galleries, social networking sites, etc. It would be great if there were an option to shoot in RAW and then do background/idle creation of the associated JPEGs. What would be even handier is to have an option to background create multiple JPEGs at different resolutions / quality levels for immediate posting.

Rob1n 2010-07-23 17:30

Re: fcamera Thread (Bugs, Ideas..etc)

Originally Posted by Rocketman (Post 762377)
I always shoot Raw + JPEG on my Nikon DSLRs. The RAWs give me much greater latitude for post-processing tom-foolery, but it is handy to have the JPEGs for immediate posting to web galleries, social networking sites, etc. It would be great if there were an option to shoot in RAW and then do background/idle creation of the associated JPEGs. What would be even handier is to have an option to background create multiple JPEGs at different resolutions / quality levels for immediate posting.

There's already an option to save JPEG files as well - they get saved to the normal camera directory. Just drag down to get the config options, and its on the File Management tab.

stickymick 2010-07-23 18:13

Re: fcamera Thread (Bugs, Ideas..etc)
First the bugs.

As posted in the other thread by Berserk and myself - The date stamp on images taken with fCamera is 1 month behind.

I've found the application freezes momentarily during operation, which can lead to a bit of demented tapping of the screen, until you realise what's going on.

Now to the ideas/wish list.
Would it be possible to implement a widescreen mode like on the default cam?

And maybe some lens effects, if possible.

janszoon 2010-07-24 20:15

Re: fcamera Thread (Bugs, Ideas..etc)
Using the proximity sensor to make the controls appear would be awesome....that way you have a full screen display with you finger on the camera button. Then putting your thumb over the PS the would give you on screen controls. Please consider this all you smart coders.

rotoflex 2010-07-24 20:36

Re: fcamera Thread (Bugs, Ideas..etc)
A "dragging the shutter" mode would be nice, if incorporation of the flash is not a problem.

I am also enjoying fcam on my N900; thanks fcam developers.

must4get 2010-07-25 05:22

Re: fcamera Thread (Bugs, Ideas..etc)
FCamera is nice, Good work guys..
Please make sure you improve it and make a real good final app.

See some samples here.

I noticed that every time I use the built in Camera app I had to restart the phone to use FCamera.

gmuslera 2010-07-25 07:08

Re: fcamera Thread (Bugs, Ideas..etc)

Originally Posted by must4get (Post 763835)
I noticed that every time I use the built in Camera app I had to restart the phone to use FCamera.

Its that happening to everyone? even reflashed my n900 thinking that that was happening because something i installed in the past or something related.

maxximuscool 2010-07-25 07:32

Re: fcamera Thread (Bugs, Ideas..etc)
This is quite weird, today I took the sunset photos to compare with my Camera but N900 picture turned out to be unbalanced in black and bad rendering. Never happened to me before. I think might be something to do with fcam-driver? Picture supposed to be amazingly breath taking but was ruined by the crappy contrast.

I think I'm going to try it again tomorrow after work and this time i'll use Automatic settings. :(

BluesLee 2010-07-25 08:28

Re: fcamera Thread (Bugs, Ideas..etc)
when i open the camera lens the default camera app does
not shoot up anymore. this must be related to fcamera, hdcapture
or lowlight app. maybe bless900 which i had to deinstall for the
above apps.

can someone help out?


steph 2010-07-25 13:04

Re: fcamera Thread (Bugs, Ideas..etc)
Hi guys, congrats on the beginnings of an app I know will go very, very far.

I did ask this in the Nokia announcement thread but it got drowned out, but would manual aperture control be possible? does the N900 even have a variable aperture or is exposure only controlled with sensitivity and shutter speed?

[edit]from looking at the exif from all my jpegs and a bit of googling it seems the aperture is fixed at f/2.8[/edit]

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