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geneven 2010-08-23 03:39

Re: rootfs 97% space used, 87% for /home; what can i do?
I think you should grow up and clean your room!

It irritates me that these decisions have to be made. I'm not running out of rootfs, but other program space forces me to make choices I didn't face with the N810.

nephridium 2010-08-23 04:06

Re: rootfs 97% space used, 87% for /home; what can i do?

Originally Posted by m0da (Post 795404)
install this:
in x-term, use:
sudo apt-get install diskusage

There is also
sudo apt-get install storageusage

Imho looks a bit better than what I see on the diskusage screenshots.

Remember to dismount easydebian before running though or it will show some partitions double.

ndi 2010-08-23 12:42

Re: rootfs 97% space used, 87% for /home; what can i do?
Already posted 5 posts above.

TiagoTiago 2010-09-04 14:38

Re: rootfs 97% space used, 87% for /home; what can i do?
i had managed to get the space situation both on rootfs and on /home under control somehow, but then i had to reflash and now i can't remember what i did and i'm running out of space again :(

ndi 2010-09-04 19:07

Re: rootfs 97% space used, 87% for /home; what can i do?
After reflash, check your space after each install or after a few installs. See which package kills your space and skip it or at least ask around for it. Once you have 200 packages in it's hard to determine what's what.

Did you look at storage usage, as suggested? Did you see what packages take the most space and not optified?

Some of them are simply large, like games.

TiagoTiago 2010-09-04 19:16

Re: rootfs 97% space used, 87% for /home; what can i do?
I already moved lots of game data (sounds, levels, textures etc) to MyDocs, it's getting harder and harder to find what else i can move

it takes ages to install stuff, i would rather not reflash unless absolutly necessary

Creamy Goodness 2010-09-04 19:38

Re: rootfs 97% space used, 87% for /home; what can i do?
just go follow that wiki link again, and check the storage usage thing for any red (non optified) packages.

Jaxin 2010-09-04 20:13

Re: rootfs 97% space used, 87% for /home; what can i do?

Originally Posted by nephridium (Post 795432)
There is also
sudo apt-get install storageusage

Imho looks a bit better than what I see on the diskusage screenshots.

Remember to dismount easydebian before running though or it will show some partitions double.

Thanks, that tool helped with the issues I was having :)

TiagoTiago 2010-09-04 20:58

Re: rootfs 97% space used, 87% for /home; what can i do?
the one about rootfs? my main issue right now seems to be the home partition :/

Creamy Goodness 2010-09-04 21:05

Re: rootfs 97% space used, 87% for /home; what can i do?
just take the biggest thing and symlink it to mydocs
i freed up like 400mb moving the quake3 pak files on mine...

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