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Memph1s 2010-08-15 19:55

Re: Simple way to send a link from desktop browser to n900 browser?
have you considered ??

Ykho 2010-08-15 20:12

Re: Simple way to send a link from desktop browser to n900 browser?
I just have hotmail open simultaneously on desktop and n900 then save the links in drafts from the desktop and open it again on the n900

festivalnut 2010-08-15 20:28

Re: Simple way to send a link from desktop browser to n900 browser?
use a web-sms service and text clickable links to yourself

(personally i prefer some of the other options mentioned above, jus adding an alternative!)

quingu 2010-08-16 11:31

Re: Simple way to send a link from desktop browser to n900 browser?

Originally Posted by oscillik (Post 787058)

You, good Sir, win the price. This is exactly what I was looking for.

waga 2010-08-16 11:54

Re: Simple way to send a link from desktop browser to n900 browser?
nice and easy..

Marlon 2010-08-16 12:14

Re: Simple way to send a link from desktop browser to n900 browser?
I would suggest InstaPaper - click the instapaper button on your desktop and view it on the n900 and obviously works vice-versa

evad 2010-08-17 20:37

Re: Simple way to send a link from desktop browser to n900 browser?

jabawok 2010-08-18 03:10

Re: Simple way to send a link from desktop browser to n900 browser?
I find the best way is to just have a separate IM account and send from PC to phone using IM. When the message pops up on the N900, you can click on the link and it immediately loads in web browser. This is of course not limited to links, and can be used for notes, calendar text, addresses etc etc.

CYPHERC 2010-08-28 01:55

Re: Simple way to send a link from desktop browser to n900 browser?
i do it w dropbox, i have a txt file in it, i just paste there any info i want on my Mac, and then the same for my phone

nephridium 2010-08-30 05:41

Re: Simple way to send a link from desktop browser to n900 browser?
I just wrote a script to do this. You need to install netcat (ncat with -e option compiled in) on the N900 and on the remote machine. Then place this script called in your home dir (or anywhere else you like):

read url
dbus-send --system --type=method_call /com/nokia/osso_browser/request string:"$url"

Then run this command:

ncat -l -p 1337 -e /home/user/
Now the N900 will open any URL you send to its IP port 1337 until you hit Ctrl-C.

You can send the url by issuing this command on the remote machine:

nc "N900 IP" 1337 <ENTER>

So e.g. this session would open on the N900:

user@ubuntu:~$ nc 1337

You can do this as often as you like until you quit the ncat script on the N900.

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