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hawaii 2010-08-18 14:31

Re: Xorg running constatntly at 95-97% of cpu
Problem is due to package advanced-power-monitor.

Vote it down due to a broken post-uninstall script and a bad bugtracker link?

slender 2010-08-18 14:38

Re: Xorg running constatntly at 95-97% of cpu
Amazing that there is so helpful people around here but have to say something.

"If you want to play with extras-devel software you need to be prepared to feel some pain sooner or later. "

"PLEASE PLEASE PLEASE don't play with it unless you really know what you are doing. Be ready to file proper bug reports instead of posting complaints. "

But everything went quite nicely. Just to remember some users that if you play with devel BE PREPARED!

greenflaw 2010-08-19 00:01

Re: Xorg running constatntly at 95-97% of cpu

Originally Posted by hawaii (Post 790490)

Manually remove /etc/event.d/apmonitord and reboot / kill the xserver.

The project bugtracker is broken, so...

Thanks man!! you saved my day. :)
Worked flawlessly.
You Rock \m/. :rolleyes:

echoblack 2010-08-19 00:06

Re: Xorg running constatntly at 95-97% of cpu

I was really not looking forward to flashing the phone.

Ya, your right slender. I'll keep it simple form now on.

scribbles 2010-08-19 00:51

Re: Xorg running constatntly at 95-97% of cpu
Geez, where were you guys last night. I ultimately had to flash my phone this morning just before going to work (yes, I was late). I really didn't want to have to flash it and that's why I put it off. I also didn't want to fix all of my mods (transitions, icons...etc) again but that damn xorg would not quit. It was relentlessly heating my cpu up at 100%. I'm slowly re-adding apps that didn't get backed up for some reason (leafpad, MC, emelfm2, rootsh) among others... :rolleyes:

cedlmw 2010-08-19 07:38

Re: Xorg running constatntly at 95-97% of cpu
hey guys I tried to remove apmonitord with cuteexplorer, but it fails. Could you help please? :)

slender 2010-08-19 07:42

Re: Xorg running constatntly at 95-97% of cpu

Originally Posted by cedlmw (Post 791446)
hey guys I tried to remove apmonitord with cuteexplorer, but it fails. Could you help please? :)

For sure!

Please be kind and first read thread (FULLY) where you are posting and tell us did the hints&tips help. Also be specific what have you done.

Do you know how to use xterm?

cedlmw 2010-08-19 07:47

Re: Xorg running constatntly at 95-97% of cpu
well I installed advanced power and noticed that my phone was heating up like crazy... So I unistalled it, but the thing is that the xorg process still takes 90+ cpu usage :S. hmm not really, I just use it to overclock ,etc... any ideas? ;)

superjunior 2010-08-19 07:48

Re: Xorg running constatntly at 95-97% of cpu
Manually remove /etc/event.d/apmonitord and reboot / kill the xserver.

Thats it.

slender 2010-08-19 07:49

Re: Xorg running constatntly at 95-97% of cpu
Have you tried to do as user hawaii in this thread?

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