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tenkom 2010-09-02 08:56

Re: A possible remedy to boost the N900
Symbian is not a crappy os. In many ways it is far more suited for a mobile device than linux. the fact that it runs fairly well even on the low specced phones nokia have been pumping out lately is proof of that. Try running maemo 5 on a 434 mhz arm 11 with 128 megs of ram. The problem is S60. They really need a new UI.

NokTokDaddy 2010-09-02 11:19

Re: A possible remedy to boost the N900

Originally Posted by rickysio (Post 804991)
Because the screen resolution and the lack of buttons can potentially f**k every thing up?

Many'd go "OH **** HOW DO I QUIT THIS NOW?" without a end key.

I am no Developer, but would it be possible to add a widget (activated by a half-press of the camera button) to provide functionality normally delivered via the three physical keys on Symbian devives like N97 & Mini & X6?

This could be activated as and when required to 'lay over' the main screen and would disappear again with a half-press of the shutter button.

Or am I just blowing smoke up my own usb port?

maluka 2010-09-02 11:41

Re: A possible remedy to boost the N900
These guys currently do some of the best custom Symbian roms.,3.0.html

I'm sure if they could get their hands on an N900 it would only be a matter of time before it's possible. They could build on a lot of what the Nitdroid guys have done so far.

ossipena 2010-09-02 11:54

Re: A possible remedy to boost the N900

Originally Posted by kureyon (Post 804067)
Perhaps if Nokia had put some more effort and resources in releasing a polished product then there wouldn't be that high a level of moaning and bitterness.

so it is nokias fault that even when it was clearly announced that n900 is "step 4/5" (5/5 meaning polished end product), some people want to moan about it not being polished?

chaoscreater 2010-09-02 11:58

Re: A possible remedy to boost the N900

Originally Posted by atilla (Post 805138)
you stupid ***** tell me to take the sand out of my vagina?
maybe you stupid little kid grow up and learn to shut the **** up.
i can say what the **** i want.
everybody shits on you because of your stupid pointless threads.
it makes me laughing that you little noob say that there is no difference between n900 and n97.
that tells me that you dont know what you are doing.
im not the only one whos laughing about this pointless **** you are speaking.
so **** off from
nobody needs here crying little *****es.
and b.t.w
i thought you are blocking me?

why are u stuffing more sand back into there?? It's time to let loose kid. Funny and ironic how all this crap and trash talk coming from ur *** and yet u still dun realize that ur spamming, in somebody else's topic. HMM?

And yes i did block you from PM messages, but there's no option to block you from spamming in my topics. There's no such option in any forum or community but this alone just proves that u do love to spam.

All of this was an idea i had and u had to take it so seriously. See, u rage so fast just like what u did in my other topic yesterday, maybe ur not having as much fun since ur crying and QQ so much right now?? Can't take much sarcasm or insult kid??

Ur raging so hard that ur english doesn't even make sense. It's ok if people don't use correct full english spelling because it's the internet, but at least structure ur grammar properly.

anthonie 2010-09-02 12:00

Re: A possible remedy to boost the N900
Passes a nice block of Old Amsterdam cheese to atilla, hoping it will calm him down. Some posts are just not worth getting upset over. You want a beer or a wine to go with the cheese?

atilla 2010-09-02 12:00

Re: A possible remedy to boost the N900
do you know what spamming is?

here read this maybe after that you will know what spamming is
and btw:i speak perfect german,perfekt polish and good english.
what kind of languages are you speaking?

atilla 2010-09-02 12:01

Re: A possible remedy to boost the N900

Originally Posted by anthonie (Post 805148)
Passes a nice block of Old Amsterdam cheese to atilla, hoping it will calm him down. Some posts are just not worth getting upset over. You want a beer or a wine to go with the cheese?

maybe some beers?

anthonie 2010-09-02 12:04

Re: A possible remedy to boost the N900
There you are...


atilla 2010-09-02 12:09

Re: A possible remedy to boost the N900

Originally Posted by anthonie (Post 805154)

thanks dude i dont know the label but i guess its good?

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