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combiochem 2010-09-03 19:02

Re: N900 PS3 Jailbreak Detailed How-To

Originally Posted by Corso85 (Post 806524)
The NITDroid auto-installer introduced the Regular+NITDroid options. Then the .deb i mentioned in my post added the Power Kernel option

Thanks man! I'll update the nitdroid. I have the last quick stupid question. Currently I have a power-kernel (maybe old version, v37) in my n900. Do I have to uninstall the power-kernel before updating nitdorid?

Corso85 2010-09-03 19:02

Re: N900 PS3 Jailbreak Detailed How-To

Originally Posted by SpideyBR (Post 806479)
Easier method.

internet (only for installing the necessaries packages)
rootsh (if you don't have it, find it in the app manager software)

Open a terminal (ctrl+shift+x or browser thru the menu). You are at your home folder (/home/user)
Create a folder to organize the files: mkdir psfreedom.
Change into that dir: cd psfreedom
Download the package: wget
Unpackage it: tar xvzf psfreedom.tar.gz
Give scripts execution permission: chmod 755 *.sh
Correct the module permission: chmod 444 *.ko
That's it. It's installed. To run: ./
To stop: ./

Simplifying, connect your n900 to the internet and then:
mkdir psfreedom && cd psfreedom
tar xvzf *.tar.gz && rm *.tar.gz
chmod 755 *.sh && chomd 444 *.ko
That's it, it's installed in your home folder.

To run:
sudo /home/user/psfreedom/
To stop:
sudo /home/user/psfreedom/

cd /home/user/psfreedom
And, to stop:

Your method is more "Pro" awesome. I just wanted people to learn some new things like SSH and such :p

I'm not sure. is wget there by default? or people will have to install it?

Corso85 2010-09-03 19:05

Re: N900 PS3 Jailbreak Detailed How-To

Originally Posted by combiochem (Post 806527)
Thanks man! I'll update the nitdroid. I have the last quick stupid question. Currently I have a power-kernel (maybe old version, v37) in my n900. Do I have to uninstall the power-kernel before updating nitdorid?

Nope. You don't have to. If you're following my post. You'll be re-installing power kernel 40 after the NITDroid installation

atilla 2010-09-03 19:08

Re: N900 PS3 Jailbreak Detailed How-To
guys sry that this sounds maybe a little bit stupid but i dont know ecactly whats going on?
so the ps3 is been hacked?
and whats the difference now?
can i play ps3 games straight from my n900 over ps3?
sry but im confused

Corso85 2010-09-03 19:13

Re: N900 PS3 Jailbreak Detailed How-To

Originally Posted by atilla (Post 806535)
guys sry that this sounds maybe a little bit stupid but i dont know ecactly whats going on?
so the ps3 is been hacked?
and whats the difference now?
can i play ps3 games straight from my n900 over ps3?
sry but im confused

lol. Nope.

Due to Dev efforts. The N900 can now emulate the PS3 USB Mod announced earlier.

You can backup games YOU OWN. . To your PS3 internal HDD or External HDD. And run them from there.

atilla 2010-09-03 19:17

Re: N900 PS3 Jailbreak Detailed How-To

Originally Posted by Corso85 (Post 806543)
lol. Nope.

Due to Dev efforts. The N900 can now emulate the PS3 USB Mod announced earlier.

You can backup games YOU OWN. . To your PS3 internal HDD or External HDD. And run them from there.

ok thank you.
i thought i could start downloading:)

kill_bill 2010-09-03 19:26

Re: N900 PS3 Jailbreak Detailed How-To

Originally Posted by Corso85 (Post 806490)
Can you elaborate?

psfreedom.ko or the script?

Cause I don't know how to edit .ko. It's not something that opens in notepad.

I havent edited mine and backup manager works fine. Just install that from a pendrive

Corso85 2010-09-03 19:28

Re: N900 PS3 Jailbreak Detailed How-To

Originally Posted by kill_bill (Post 806551)
I havent edited mine and backup manager works fine. Just install that from a pendrive

Well perhaps you got the patched one? I updated the link in the OP. I'm pretty sure the original .ko wasn't working with the backup manager.

nyleridedog 2010-09-03 19:37

Re: N900 PS3 Jailbreak Detailed How-To
Exciting times

I have the n800 and was hoping a port to that would be possible,
is it guys?

Jammer 2010-09-03 19:37

Re: N900 PS3 Jailbreak Detailed How-To
KK, so you cannot start backup manager without having n900 connected?

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