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Psycho 2010-09-03 23:59

Re: Finally got a real improvement on battery life
yehh.. i hate it too.. !!
i hate the sound of 'empty battery' of my phone every night.. so lets see if this works.. :D

Psycho 2010-09-04 00:00

Re: Finally got a real improvement on battery life

Originally Posted by scribbles (Post 806755)
Leafpad works well also....

you can use whatever u want. :D

ivnvir 2010-09-04 00:08

Re: Finally got a real improvement on battery life

how long does it last? I can easily get more than 24hours with normal usage
it lasted for about 48h...


I have terrible battery life with chat on. Will this make a difference or is this one of those things that prolongs the battery as long as you don't use the device as intended always on device?
for what ive seen in a little test, pidgin eats less battery...


how do you edit and save the rcS file using midnight commander? i can locate it edit it but when i click save and it says i cant save?
try it being root, i use leafpad from terminal...


Not sure. Could you please give some explanation about this?

Originally Posted by ivnvir View Post

2) Disable indexer watching and indexer on battery.

And this too?
indexer runs everytime it thinks it needs to, and unfortunatelly, most of the time it shouldnt... so it spents battery.. theres also the thumbnails maker, wich eats processor and therefore battery...

ill post my config, but its nothing final, still testing it!

ivnvir 2010-09-04 00:16

Re: Finally got a real improvement on battery life
4 Attachment(s)
here are my tracker-cfg config, as I said, its not final, I'm still testing what's better

egoshin 2010-09-04 00:50

Re: Finally got a real improvement on battery life

Originally Posted by ktchiu (Post 806734)
I changed the swappiness to 30 and page-cluster to 1. From what I can tell, I no longer get the slowdowns in freezes in micob that I used to have. The conversations app seems to start up faster too.

Changing page-cluster from 5 to any lower value may cause some problems - it is assumed that eMMC cluster size is 128KB (page-cluster=5). That means eMMC chip writes only by 128KB blocks. So, if you write less than 128KB it may READ 128KB "sector", then replace some portion of it and write 128KB ---> slower speed and flash wear increase.

However, I am saying "may" because if eMMC chip is smart enough it can combine the multiple short sequential writes to a single 128KB in some buffer. Unfortunately, I don't know the specs of eMMC chip.

egoshin 2010-09-04 00:52

Re: Finally got a real improvement on battery life
To anybody, who wants changing swappiness or rcS, I repeat here -

I highly recommend to anybody who wants to change rcS - instead of that just create a file /etc/event.d/somename with following lines:


# my somename fix

start on started rcS-late

      echo 30 > /proc/sys/vm/swappiness
end script

... and insert any another wished lines after "echo 30" and before "end script"

This would not corrupt your N900 in case of problem and it allows the next Nokia OTA upgrade.

ivnvir 2010-09-04 01:04

Re: Finally got a real improvement on battery life
My thumbnailerd is running.. even with BatteryIndex set to true.. this proccess is EVIL!
Anyone know how to REALLY disable it? I have all thumbs done.. NO NEED TO REDO IT HELL! This really pisses me off, f*kin overengineering :/

SSLMM 2010-09-04 01:59

Re: Finally got a real improvement on battery life

Originally Posted by ivnvir (Post 806793)
My thumbnailerd is running.. even with BatteryIndex set to true.. this proccess is EVIL!
Anyone know how to REALLY disable it? I have all thumbs done.. NO NEED TO REDO IT HELL! This really pisses me off, f*kin overengineering :/

I don't know for sure but maybe if you disable "enable thumbnails" in tracker, doesn't that do the trick? :rolleyes:

Thanks for all this info ;)
Obrigado :p

Viny 2010-09-04 02:14

Re: Finally got a real improvement on battery life
Hello guys this seems nice and i would like to try it out, but i cant seem to figure out how,

if someone would please post step by step, on exactly how to do these both, it would be apreciated alot. thanks.!

etuoyo 2010-09-04 08:04

Re: Finally got a real improvement on battery life
Oh no!!!Copied the rcs file using winsp, modified the swappiness, cluter thing to 15 and 1, copied the file back and replaced the original. Changed the indexer settings as shown above. Switched off my device, changed the battery, switched it on. Nokia white screen shows for a few seconds and then device switches off again. Tried it five times and happens again and again. So I have now officially bricked my device.

And my usb port is faulty so I cannot even reflash the device. So I now have a dead device.

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