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tswindell 2010-09-06 18:43

Re: Nitdroid: GPS works already

Originally Posted by bsving (Post 808814)
Well, Maemo is dead, get over it. But the N900 is not dead, unless it get fragmented to pieces by "purists" or some snobbish "old school" maemo fanatics. Android on the N900 is perhaps not an ideal combination, but it IS cool, and very much in the spirit of the N900 to be able to install it, and use it.

The N9 is soon here, and when it happens, I know I for one, would like to do all sorts of crazy things with my N900, like installing Android, or WinXP or whatever. I sure couldn't care less for Meamo. But I would like a Pr1.3 before that happends.

Though I agree with your sentiment regarding Android on the N900, it is neat and all. Maemo is not so much dead as it is evolving. The next device will run Harmattan, which is far more Maemo than it is MeeGo. So Maemo isn't really dead yet. And as long as these devices are supported by the community through SSU an until a decent MeeGo instance is available this place will continue to stay alive.

My issue is with those, like the OP, fanaticism that I don't much appreciate.

Jaco2k 2010-09-07 05:52

Re: Nitdroid: GPS works already

Originally Posted by tswindell (Post 808819)
My issue is with those, like the OP, fanaticism that I don't much appreciate.

If you argue with a 1diot (excuse the spelling, it is to avoid any filtering) you will be quickly dragged to their level.

Hate to have to come back here to post something but you are a bit ut of line now and someone must put you to your place.

1. Excuse me but, is this the "Alternatives" forum or the "Modifications allowed by tswindell's Nazi attitude" forum? If you think that I can only run Maemo on my mobile computer you are damn wrong and this should be the whole point of hacking and a progressive mindset - getting devices to do things they are really not mean't to. Because it is fun. Until some conservative and loud narrow mind comes along and decides(?) what can or cannot be done

2. Fanatical??? Really??? :) Me????? So I casually post on the correct forum to let people know about something they can do on their device and maybe haven't thought about and you call that "fanatical"? Yet, if anyone reads your inflamed posts, I am sure it is obvious what YOU are.

3. You have so far failed to make any other point except that you are wrong. There are rules in Forums and last I checked none were broken here - just wrote it on my edit because YOU annoyed me so much with your negative attitude. I suggest you propose to Admins that they completely remove the "Alternatives" forum and as they are at it ban anyone from discussing anything else about Maemo other than sending SMSs or browsing the net.

You got issues, man. If you are not doing it yet, seek therapy :)

lemmyslender 2010-09-07 13:20

Re: Nitdroid: GPS works already
I don't know who is worse in this forum anymore, the trolls who were cluttering it up, or the members who have taken it upon themselves to jump in on any thread that they feel is "useless" (in their opinion) and effectively chase of potential new members with their attitude.

Each and every post has a "Report this post" button. I really wish those members would just report the post rather than cluttering up the forum and thread with their opinions on how a particular post is a troll, or a "deliberate" attempt to mislead, or cluttering up the forum. The irony of posting just to complain about how the thread is cluttering up the forum is unbelievable.

I would add the MeeGo/Harmattan forum to the list of things that should be removed. It is not need here as it is not 100% Maemo, and as this is a Maemo forum, it should be disallowed :) Additionally, we should probably ban all mention of Easy Debian as well.

@ Jaco2k - I found your post informative and useful. I would love to try using my bluetooth gps with nitdroid. However, I can't find a link to the app you mentioned, as nitdroid doesn't access the full marketplace. Any chance you could pm me an email address so we could discuss it further? (I'd hate to have anyone accuse me of asking for a free app, as asking for warez).

It's generally a good forum, don't let a few curmudgeons spoil it for you. Post what you find useful. If anyone give you any unreasonable static, put em on ignore.

On a side note, I wish there were still subforums in the alternative section. I think it would have been nice to have a nitdroid subforum where we could discuss that project. I understand completely why the longer threads were requested to be closed, but I sure didn't think it would become a "banned" topic. I would think anyone interested in nitdroid is going to wind up here first, and if there is no mention of it here, they will have a much harder time finding out about it.

dj_steve 2010-09-07 13:22

Re: Nitdroid: GPS works already
looking throught this forum itself it seems it isnt a banned topic just any of the bigger issues are being requested to move to the nit forums, otherwise they are staying here

geneven 2010-09-07 13:30

Re: Nitdroid: GPS works already
In my opinion, and I participate in the Nitdroid forum as well as here, you have made things a LOT easier by switching most of your support to the Nitdroid forum. This is because a lot of people have stopped asking questions altogether. So if the object of the switch was to discourage people from trying out Nitdroid, the move really accomplished that. (I'm going by my count of messages on the Nitdroid forum vs the number of messages that were being left here. Feel free to contradict me.)

As for those people who say this site belongs to Maemo, well I got here before the Maemo folks took ownership, so I don't feel that way. I think this site is REALLY InternetTabletTalk in chains. I will resist any attempts to tell me that this site is owned by Maemo, especially when Nokia is about to abandon Maemo.

lemmyslender 2010-09-07 14:47

Re: Nitdroid: GPS works already
I apologize. "banned" was probably the wrong word to use.

Between tswindell's negative responses, stskeeps noting that the majority of discussions had moved to nitdroid forums (a helpful comment as opposed to a negative comment), and dj_steve noting the the post "will get closed soon", it kind of leaves the impression that nitdroid discussion here on TMO is being actively discouraged.

I know there are other threads discussing nitdroid, and I've notice several of them have requests to move discussion to

I am also checking in at daily as well. Thanks for all the hard work those devs are putting in. I understand it can get frustrating seeing so many new users asking the same questions over and over (and questions which indicate they probably shouldn't be trying it). What I don't get is the seemingly active attempt to limit discussion here.

I saw n900 host mode discussions here that were cluttered with stupid questions, but also some new blood jumping in. Then discussion was moved elsewhere, and it seems not much more progress was being made, but more importantly decreased visibility lessened the chance that new people would get involved.

As I look forward to using nitdroid (if not on a daily basis, at least a regular basis), I sincerely hope that it doesn't get stuck for a lack of expertise in an unforeseen critical area, and not have the visibility to attract that expertise.

Of course if this thread hadn't started out the way it did, it probably would be dead and buried after 6 or so posts. Instead, it remains alive and cluttering the forum :)

Jaco2k 2010-09-07 15:43

Re: Nitdroid: GPS works already

Originally Posted by lemmyslender (Post 809511)
@ Jaco2k - I found your post informative and useful. I would love to try using my bluetooth gps with nitdroid. However, I can't find a link to the app you mentioned, as nitdroid doesn't access the full marketplace.

At least for my location (Finland) this application is in Android marketplace - I found it and installed it when I was randomly browsing it.

Either way, click here to get it - this is what I am using and... hope this post does not annoy anyone.

lemmyslender 2010-09-10 16:45

Re: Nitdroid: GPS works already
Just wanted to pass along (as it is useful) this program will actually allow you to use a bluetooth GPS with NitDroid (or any Android for that matter).

Free version is limited to 10 minutes, then disconnects, but can be re-connected repeatedly.

Maps and Navigation (with Voice) both work. Some of the Golf GPS programs work as well. Very useful until the internal GPS is fixed.

Thanks to Jaco2k who got me looking for an app like this.

Laughing Man 2010-09-10 17:03

Re: Nitdroid: GPS works already

Originally Posted by lemmyslender (Post 809511)
On a side note, I wish there were still subforums in the alternative section. I think it would have been nice to have a nitdroid subforum where we could discuss that project. I understand completely why the longer threads were requested to be closed, but I sure didn't think it would become a "banned" topic. I would think anyone interested in nitdroid is going to wind up here first, and if there is no mention of it here, they will have a much harder time finding out about it.

I still don't understand why we don't have subforums anymore for major projects (easy Debian and Nitdroid).

bunanson 2010-09-10 19:44

Re: Nitdroid: GPS works already

Originally Posted by lemmyslender (Post 809511)
It's generally a good forum... Post what you find useful. ...

Buy. Want.


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