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bakuur 2010-09-09 19:14

Re: Bakuur's Over-clocking Guide for new comers
what kind of strange things??
can you please describe what exactly happens?
i dont really use video recording but this might be a useful tip for others

update : i tried taking a few pictures and making some videos other than the low quality images taken by the camera due to the night
everything else is perfect

geneven 2010-09-09 19:20

Re: Bakuur's Over-clocking Guide for new comers

Originally Posted by TiagoTiago (Post 811148)
since it is for newcomers, you should make the disclaimers about how this can severely **** things up much bigger and prominent, including the stuff about how even if in one device it works the same numbers can permanently brick other devices

Well, the last I saw an expletive-marked comment by you, you were saying that you thought you might have permanent damage -- basically you are the only one to claim that after thousands and thousands of posts.

Since you are now talking about devices being "permanently bricked," perhaps you will link to the messages where that is claimed, and perhaps you will let us know whether your N900 is in fact permanently damaged as you thought it might be.

bakuur 2010-09-09 19:28

Re: Bakuur's Over-clocking Guide for new comers
@TiagoTiago please if your phone is bricked due to overclocking give us a link to that post and i will add it in the disclaimer but to be honest the only reason i overclocked mine is because i havent seen any bricked phones due to overclocking

matthew maude 2010-09-09 19:59

Re: Bakuur's Over-clocking Guide for new comers
i don't think you can brick your device this way, if it doesn't like the kernel it won't use it. simple

geneven 2010-09-09 20:03

Re: Bakuur's Over-clocking Guide for new comers

Originally Posted by cfh11 (Post 811687)
I would not encourage anyone to set a default kernel-config. It is far safer IMHO to allow the n900 to boot with the default frequency and use a startup script to OC it. I use a Queen Beecon command that runs on the startup of the desktop.

If you set the default to an unstable frequency, you can end up in an endless reboot loop and have to reflash.

This is false. There is protection against the endless reboot loop in Titan's kernel. I have seen that protection on many occasions.

gabby131 2010-09-09 20:31

Re: Bakuur's Over-clocking Guide for new comers

Originally Posted by geneven (Post 811954)
This is false. There is protection against the endless reboot loop in Titan's kernel. I have seen that protection on many occasions.

7. If you reboot, the overclock is reset back to default. So you will need to re-enable the overclock. (this is the safest way to avoid a constant reboot upon applying a unstable overclock although titan's kernel now has protection against this ever happening) I recommend you use the Queen Beecon Widget method I mentioned below on this guide.

according to jakiman.

but i do reboot on stock or a custom setting in some reasons.

i also have QBW widgets to tap if i wanna boot on stock or a custom setting

geneven 2010-09-09 20:39

Re: Bakuur's Over-clocking Guide for new comers

Originally Posted by gabby131 (Post 811989)
7. If you reboot, the overclock is reset back to default. So you will need to re-enable the overclock. (this is the safest way to avoid a constant reboot upon applying a unstable overclock although titan's kernel now has protection against this ever happening) I recommend you use the Queen Beecon Widget method I mentioned below on this guide.

according to jakiman.

but i do reboot on stock or a custom setting in some reasons.

I'm not sure I understand.

1. Do you ever see the message saying that the overclock settings have not been made because the reboot wasn't natural, or words to that effect?

2. You are saying that you ignore Jakiman's recommendation and you get into a permanent reboot loop "in some reasons"?

I'm not talking about one reboot. I'm saying that there is protection against a "permanent reboot loop". In my experience, there is.

gabby131 2010-09-09 20:40

Re: Bakuur's Over-clocking Guide for new comers

i truly apologize, i was trying to give a hand to support on your post that i Quoted :)

in short, i agree with you

cfh11 2010-09-09 20:41

Re: Bakuur's Over-clocking Guide for new comers
It would seem that the newer versions of Titan's kernel has a mechanism to override the default profile, but this was not the case with older versions. In any case, I will continue to use Queen Beecon to be on the safe side.

bakuur 2010-09-09 21:02

Re: Bakuur's Over-clocking Guide for new comers

Originally Posted by matthew maude (Post 811952)
i don't think you can brick your device this way, if it doesn't like the kernel it won't use it. simple

there were never a certain study on the long or short effect of OC on the N900

and yes try to use different profiles on your phone to find the most suitable for you and your phone
isnt that what OCing is all about ? :P

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