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Geekworld 2010-09-14 04:45

Re: PLACES of FaceBook Does it work on N900

Originally Posted by Laughing Man (Post 814977)
Ok I just tried it at work and you guys are right. It says something latitude and longitude after I click the check in button when using the 2G/3G connection.

Exactly...I wish we had magnetometer in the phone...which would have made us not to depend on active serving cell ids for the fine accuracy position.

oopevangelist 2010-09-14 21:24

Re: PLACES of FaceBook Does it work on N900

Originally Posted by Geekworld (Post 814595)
Hi all,

I came with a conclusion with the trial and errors which I did,,,that You can check in one and only case provided you are in Wifi connection rather than UMTS data connection.

This is because when ever you are with UMTS connection,,the cell signal provides us a rough estimate of location base on cell id ,,even the gps wont giv you the exact coordinates even when it is on Fine accuracy .

But when once you connect to the near by Wifi ,,,you can Check in for sure,,I checked some 7 times on wifi till now from firefox browser.

But Laughing Man we all are waiting for your valuable observation and feedback on this.


Even using wifi I still can't check in. I get the same error message I received before. Is there anything else you did to check in with wifi?

Geekworld 2010-09-16 03:37

Re: PLACES of FaceBook Does it work on N900

Originally Posted by oopevangelist (Post 816275)
Even using wifi I still can't check in. I get the same error message I received before. Is there anything else you did to check in with wifi?

When U lock the device on wifi...go on to website that hit the places near by tab...right after that ur gps tries to get in to picture....go in to gps options and uncheck both postioning and nokia server... which means you are turning of ur gps..after locking it on to one postion....

so basically after unchecking both the options of gps...what ever location you check in near ur will checkin with out any failure...let me know if still have any problem..
Thanks all

Morphic 2010-09-17 15:08

Re: PLACES of FaceBook Does it work on N900
I can't get this to work either. Not much point if you can only check in with WIFI? Apparently works in firefox though I've yet to test.

noobmonkey 2010-09-17 15:11

Re: PLACES of FaceBook Does it work on N900
Whats all this rubbish about having to be in the USA? - it opened to the UK today and is working - as all my mates are spamming their profiles with locations.... as though i wanted to know my mate was at work, didnt have to be a detective to figure that one out!

Doesnt the n900 GPS only work with the wifi working properly? or has that bug been fixed?!

Will give it a try on the n900 tonight though.

Geekworld 2010-09-18 06:48

Re: PLACES of FaceBook Does it work on N900

Originally Posted by noobmonkey (Post 818999)
Whats all this rubbish about having to be in the USA? - it opened to the UK today and is working - as all my mates are spamming their profiles with locations.... as though i wanted to know my mate was at work, didnt have to be a detective to figure that one out!

Doesnt the n900 GPS only work with the wifi working properly? or has that bug been fixed?!

Will give it a try on the n900 tonight though.

hehehe,,better luck doode,,,,

tobylee 2010-09-18 16:43

Re: PLACES of FaceBook Does it work on N900
~Not working on my n900, working on everyone else's and their dogs iphone.

surprise surprise.

Geekworld 2010-09-18 18:15

Re: PLACES of FaceBook Does it work on N900

Originally Posted by tobylee (Post 819890)
~Not working on my n900, working on everyone else's and their dogs iphone.

surprise surprise.

Dude it works only on wifi,,and that too only on Firefox browser,,make sure you had installed maemo geolocoation pluggin

Laughing Man 2010-09-18 18:27

Re: PLACES of FaceBook Does it work on N900

Originally Posted by noobmonkey (Post 818999)
Whats all this rubbish about having to be in the USA? - it opened to the UK today and is working - as all my mates are spamming their profiles with locations.... as though i wanted to know my mate was at work, didnt have to be a detective to figure that one out!

Doesnt the n900 GPS only work with the wifi working properly? or has that bug been fixed?!

Will give it a try on the n900 tonight though.

I think when Facebook first unveiled it, it was limited to the USA.

Geekworld 2010-09-18 18:52

Re: PLACES of FaceBook Does it work on N900

Originally Posted by Laughing Man (Post 819964)
I think when Facebook first unveiled it, it was limited to the USA.

I wonder hw it is working in europe,,but if it is then good.

But there is no point in using it on wifi,,

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