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clovis86 2010-09-15 19:08

Re: [announce] swappolube to lubricate your gui
this little things makes it so smooooth :D
thanks again

fred123 2010-09-15 19:14

Re: [announce] swappolube to lubricate your gui
Installed OK

Testing with the following apps running
Media Player
sygic MM10 - route demo
browser windows
file manager

fast switching between windows
no delay in picking up incoming call

looking good

lcuk 2010-09-15 19:21

Re: [announce] swappolube to lubricate your gui
Loud applause :)

Thanks so much debernardis, the minor tweaks to presentation make all the difference.
We should be able to use this thread to show the many hackers out there that their simple tweaks can be wrapped up cleanly ;)


Originally Posted by debernardis (Post 816676)
In the next version I'll add also a link to this thread and a banner in postinst and postrm, if & when I discover how's done ;)

Please don't do this part though, imagine how bad it will be if everyone followed suit :eek:

if you *do* want to add something similar, add a small script and .desktop icon which opens the browser to this thread :)
(or similar kind of idea perhaps?)

datjomp 2010-09-15 19:26

Re: [announce] swappolube to lubricate your gui
Christine feels smoother with these tweaks :)

gazza_d 2010-09-15 19:28

Re: [announce] swappolube to lubricate your gui
Thanks for this deb. This does seem to have improved responsiveness on my 900, although it has been off a couple of times, so I could drop the sim into another phone for a short while.

yamakasi 2010-09-15 19:51

Re: [announce] swappolube to lubricate your gui
so this tweak will make the transition effect less jaggier?

Frank Banul 2010-09-15 20:07

Re: [announce] swappolube to lubricate your gui
Isn't a reboot required after install? I don't see that in the list of instructions nor does the install suggest that.


kaze.daniel 2010-09-15 20:20

Re: [announce] swappolube to lubricate your gui
well, its been almost a month since I am using that hack, jes created another file to run with the original mod... so long no crashes, only that the cpu ram free memory oscilates a lil bit from high to low when the battery power is vanishing.. anyway, that hack makes the n900 works like a totally different tablet. love that.

rainmaster 2010-09-15 20:36

Re: [announce] swappolube to lubricate your gui
would this work with the enhanced kernel?

Chrome 2010-09-15 20:39

Re: [announce] swappolube to lubricate your gui

Originally Posted by rainmaster (Post 817255)
would this work with the enhanced kernel?

I don't see any reason it wouldn't, i'm using kernel-power and it's working fine :)

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