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sands.m 2010-09-21 08:21

Re: Nokia Don't Want My Money: Worst Customer Services in the World?
In India you pay a small amount around 5 dollars & you get an extended warranty of two years(from Mobile-Spot) and after paying another 5 Dollars you get 1 yr of insurance covering physical damage & lost phones. :)

But Nokia Care Still sucks , I also had bad experience in the past with Nokia 6600 .

Good Luck Buddy !!

etuoyo 2010-09-30 18:45

Re: Nokia Don't Want My Money: Worst Customer Services in the World?
Well my N900 has now crossed the Atlantic and is with Nokia USA. However, for over a week my repair status has been saying:

"Unfortunately we were unable to repair your device and are currently awaiting delivery of a replacement device for you."

I called today and they said they do not know how long it will take to get a replacement. Does anyone have any idea?

And is it not the case that Nokia has stopped manufacturing the N900? So where are they getting the replacement from? From a Nokia store? There is only one left in the US isn't there? Or am I waiting for someone who bought an N900 recently to return it either within the grace period or because it has a less severe problem than usb port so they can refurbish and offer to me?

tomaszrybak 2010-10-10 20:31

Re: Nokia Don't Want My Money: Worst Customer Services in the World?

Originally Posted by ossipena (Post 822087)
it probably is much cheaper to nokia to switch the whole device instead of ripping the whole device apart and switching the board. So the boards probably aren't even available for service businesses at all.

In my case they decided to replace motherboard - and did it poorly as I had to send device back because after "repair" FM transmitter and IR diode stopped working. So IMO they do not know what they are doing.

cjp 2010-10-10 20:36

Re: Nokia Don't Want My Money: Worst Customer Services in the World?

Originally Posted by sands.m (Post 822090)
In India you pay a small amount around 5 dollars & you get an extended warranty of two years(from Mobile-Spot)
Good Luck Buddy !!

Whuut I thought the standard Nokia warranty was 2 yrs world over? Daymn, if someone tried to sell the warranty to me, I'd certainly feel I was being cheesed. The insurance thing I get and we have here as well.

EDIT: But to say something related to original topic: I don't get it why you guys go out and spill your guts about where you got your devices and how stuff broke.

Just take it to a care point, give the device to them, describe the problem (eg. "I think there's something wrong with the USB port") and just see how it goes.

When you call them up, the person on the other end of the line knows probably every little thing about when the warranty covers your troubles, so don't go telling them every little detail! They are probably trained hardest in deciding when a device is not under warranty.

wovenstringz 2010-10-12 00:11

Re: Nokia Don't Want My Money: Worst Customer Services in the World?
I also had a long and turbulent experience with Nokia Care. Believe me! You don't want to know the details. I truly lost my rag with them many times. (Your call is very important to us....) It's been now 2 months since resolution but I still get phone calls from a Nokia premium line asking me to phone them back because they need to complete a report or fill in a form! That after I've called/emailed many of them with minute details of the case in a programmatically, step-by-step way! When will they stop chasing ghosts! When will they stop stalking me!

sam_mmy 2010-10-12 14:37

Re: Nokia Don't Want My Money: Worst Customer Services in the World?
This all sounds nightmarish. I would be fuming too if I'd paid that much for a phone that sounds like it was badly designed from the offset. They should just issue you with a new one and be done with it.

Headquaters of Nokia are in a grim place called Oulu in Finland should you want to travel there in person and demand a refund, but the surroundings might also explain the crappy attitidue of Nokia employees...grim, dark place that leads to depression and the design of faulty products which they then won't repair, just to make you feel as depressed as they are.

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