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cjp 2010-09-21 08:42

Re: Fone Arena Smartphone Championship - N900 FTW!
I think the N900 already won. :)

hellhammer 2010-09-21 09:38

Re: Fone Arena Smartphone Championship - N900 FTW!
the n900 has already surpassed the palm pre for about >250 votes! yay! nao we need to support it until the battle is over. vote until the final!

mr_bridger 2010-09-21 09:58

Re: Fone Arena Smartphone Championship - N900 FTW!
Power to the people!...

thanks for the 'Thanks!' too guys...

JinxeD 2010-09-21 10:03

Re: Fone Arena Smartphone Championship - N900 FTW!

N900 - 563 votes vs Palm Pre - 271 votes

elie-7 2010-09-21 10:05

Re: Fone Arena Smartphone Championship - N900 FTW!
yeah baby we took the palm pre down, now next stop the finals, get ready guys we are going to show the world that this is the best device out there, guys all of u vote in the finals, don't forget.

bujingai 2010-09-21 10:09

Re: Fone Arena Smartphone Championship - N900 FTW!
n900 ftw yay

tlex26 2010-09-21 10:11

Re: Fone Arena Smartphone Championship - N900 FTW!
Just voted

N900 is going to win this one :-)

pelago 2010-09-21 10:15

Re: Fone Arena Smartphone Championship - N900 FTW!
The vote numbers are relatively low. I just hope users of a Palm WebOS forum don't get wind of this and start voting for their platform.

ryo1st 2010-09-21 10:52

Re: Fone Arena Smartphone Championship - N900 FTW!
+1 Vote for N900 :D

status vote:
- Nokia N900 70.05% (655 votes)
- Palm Pre 29.95% (280 votes)

elie-7 2010-09-21 11:17

Re: Fone Arena Smartphone Championship - N900 FTW!

Originally Posted by pelago (Post 822158)
The vote numbers are relatively low. I just hope users of a Palm WebOS forum don't get wind of this and start voting for their platform.

well than lets make sure everyone in this forum votes, lets see if we can make it to 1000 .

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