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Rauha 2010-09-21 14:58

Re: Anssi Vanjoki says using Android is like peeing in your pants for warmth
This was on Finacial Times last week. Here's the actual non-Engadgetifield quote:

"Mr Vanjoki agreed with suggestions that handset makers using Android could have low operating margins and claimed they were likely to enjoy only temporary relief with Google’s operating system. He compared the companies to Finnish boys who “pee in their pants” for warmth during the cold winter."

Texrat 2010-09-21 15:00

Re: Anssi Vanjoki says using Android is like peeing in your pants for warmth

Originally Posted by gerbick (Post 822421)
I would agree that anything based on Linux is somewhat future-proof... but Maemo 4.1 and Maemo 5 with their closed bits seem to be real dead ends. Thanks to Nokia, I now start to doubt that prior assumed truth that Linux based meant truly open-ended futures.

MeeGo means Linux Foundation much, much more than it means Nokia. ;)

gerbick 2010-09-21 15:02

Re: Anssi Vanjoki says using Android is like peeing in your pants for warmth

Originally Posted by bsving (Post 822423)
No, its the future.

I said it earlier... but I doubt that the future would be so filled with dead ends. Nokia has sorta killed my enthusiasm in anything Linux based and has forced me to research for how much of it is closed.

It's "a" future. Not "the" future. I'll take my future with more openness and a more determined path (think: Maemo).

gerbick 2010-09-21 15:09

Re: Anssi Vanjoki says using Android is like peeing in your pants for warmth

Originally Posted by Texrat (Post 822428)
MeeGo means Linux Foundation much, much more than it means Nokia.

Let's hope it's not cocked up due to some in-fighting or idiocy... or lack of direction.

lma 2010-09-21 15:14

Re: Anssi Vanjoki says using Android is like peeing in your pants for warmth

Originally Posted by gerbick (Post 822436)
Let's hope it's not cocked up due to some in-fighting or idiocy...

in certain areas there are strong indications it will be, and it may surprise you to hear this but the Nokia side seems to be the good guys.

Andrew_b 2010-09-21 15:20

Re: Anssi Vanjoki says using Android is like peeing in your pants for warmth
With all due respect to you Gerbick, I think most of us would have read 'Short-term' pretty much the same as 'Stop-gap' only with more dire consequences for the future outcome.

Hence the expression 'Short-termism' being a negative concept for business. Short term gains traded off against long term stability, etc.

danramos 2010-09-21 15:54

Re: Anssi Vanjoki says using Android is like peeing in your pants for warmth
He's made it far too easy for someone to come back with "PeeGo" :P

For that matter, isn't using Android on your phone allowing you to concentrate on the business of building your hardware or your telecom network? You know--like a restaurant franchise lets you concentrate on business and less so on brand, advertising and so on?

Rauha 2010-09-21 15:55

Re: Anssi Vanjoki says using Android is like peeing in your pants for warmth

Originally Posted by ysss (Post 822369)
Well.... if it's sub zero out there and you're not dressed enough... it may be a matter of survival.

You won't survive, if you do it.

sjgadsby 2010-09-21 15:55

Re: Anssi Vanjoki says using Android is like peeing in your pants for warmth
For some reason, I'm suddenly feeling the urge to go play On the Rain-Slick Precipice of Darkness.

ysss 2010-09-21 15:58

Re: Anssi Vanjoki says using Android is like peeing in your pants for warmth

Originally Posted by Rauha (Post 822478)
You won't survive, if you do it.

But there's a Yeti somewhere in this blizzard.

And we need to fabricate yellow blades to fight it.

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