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kolos 2010-09-30 22:09

Re: N8 has begun SHIPPING!

Originally Posted by aikon800 (Post 830142)

I think that phone wasn't responsive because she used fingernails, but touchscreen is capacitive. :rolleyes:

bsving 2010-09-30 22:20

Re: N8 has begun SHIPPING!

Originally Posted by Andrew_b (Post 830338)
I bet the N8 GLOBALLY sells shedloads more than any single Android or iOS device. Not sure about the profitability though!

N8, E7, C7, C6-01 will outsell all androids and iPhones together many times over, except maybe for SE X10 mini and X8. Even the 5800 has sold more units than any other touch screen phone.

Nokia use a cheap CPU and a cheap GPU to produce better results than those with premium CPU that cost at least 10X as much. The end result is a cheaper phone that is more profitable.

Take for instance the C6-01. It will sell for around 200€, Clear Black Amoled, 8MP camera, 720p video, Ovi maps and battery life that Android can only dream of, plus Ovi store full of music and apps (for those interrested in that).

olighak 2010-09-30 22:58

Re: N8 has begun SHIPPING!

Originally Posted by Viny (Post 829844)
So the N8 has begun shipping pre-orders


anyone pre-orderd it yet?

I just played with it 3 days ago at the Nokia shop in Terminal 5 at Heathrow London.

Wasnīt very exciting device. Changing between programs looks choppy when you are scrolling through the open programs, not smooth like N900.

In fact the whole device seemed choppy / laggy. I half like the way it looks, but it does not have a camera lens cover!!! What good is a 12MP camera if itīs all scratched up in 3 months?

Physical keyboard and lens cover are minimum demands :)

patlak 2010-09-30 23:09

Re: N8 has begun SHIPPING!

Originally Posted by bsving (Post 830464)
N8, E7, C7, C6-01 will outsell all androids and iPhones together many times over, except maybe for SE X10 mini and X8. Even the 5800 has sold more units than any other touch screen phone.

Nokia use a cheap CPU and a cheap GPU to produce better results than those with premium CPU that cost at least 10X as much. The end result is a cheaper phone that is more profitable.

Take for instance the C6-01. It will sell for around 200€, Clear Black Amoled, 8MP camera, 720p video, Ovi maps and battery life that Android can only dream of, plus Ovi store full of music and apps (for those interrested in that).

CPU might be an ARM 11, but GPU in the S^3 devices is one of the fastest, if not the fastest ever in a mobile device ;)

PathFinder@9GS 2010-09-30 23:10

Re: N8 has begun SHIPPING!
C'mon ppl.. evn wen n900 or iphone came out.. they were crappy(software wise) .. let n8 spread out and get an update.. then we wil see how it works out for the phone.. its too soon to comment about it I guess.

FYI, I'm not going to buy a symbian phone as i'm waiting for a meego :Dphone

allnameswereout 2010-09-30 23:39

Re: N8 has begun SHIPPING!

Originally Posted by mikecomputing (Post 830424)
no it is not the way nokia will get back people they need to succes with a meego phone NOW.

Different segment.


As many here says techspec may be nice for people who is camera freaks. IF the camera take as good pics as the specs says. pixels doesnt say all...


In all other stuff N900 is better.
Orly! Such strong arguments... Can Ovi Maps suck more than on N900? Doubt it. How about the battery life of N900? The out of the box experience? Would you be willing to argue the usability on N900 is better than iOS, Android, or S^3? The flippin' USB port stays where it should remain where it ought to be on any smartphone, including this one? Scratches on screen? Since Nokia N8 will be widely shipped in volume, and since Nokia tend to support their Symbian devices better (N-Series and E-Series flagships), I expect better software support from Nokia for this device than for N900.

The last Symbian OS versions (not S^3) for touchscreen were just 'hacked' versions; not completely optimized, written from scratch. S^3 is a lot like MeeGo in that regard, and both will benefit from Qt-based applications eventually, but S^3-based devices are shipping now whereas MeeGo-based ones aren't.

Note here above I'm not saying blah sucks -- just this 'blah isn't as good as bleh but for the rest it is better' is a friggin' joke.


But there is one good thing with it and that is QT and that is a BIG step forward for symbian/meego developers :)
It is called Qt, Symbian, MeeGo.


Originally Posted by olighak (Post 830484)

In fact the whole device seemed choppy / laggy. I half like the way it looks [..]

Yeah, it shouldn't be choppy out of the box, but it isn't as if we didn't have to hack our N900 to makeit responsive (hildon-desktop, swappiness, overlock, ...)


Physical keyboard and lens cover are minimum demands :)
I'm giving swype a chance.

[edit]On the note of N8 versus N900 features it seems like N8 supports USB OTG out of the box:


Mobile phones that support USB OTG are among others the Nokia 6600 slide and Nokia N8 mobile phones.[3][4] [...]

codedivine 2010-10-01 00:33

Re: N8 has begun SHIPPING!

Originally Posted by allnameswereout (Post 830508)
I'm giving swype a chance.

Off-topic, but have you tried Swype on any handset? Would be interested in hearing your experiences.

I have been using Swype beta on a Nokia X6 and it is ok but a little laggy at times. I hope that Swype performs better on new phones as the X6 has a fairly slow (by 2010 standards) CPU and swype probably needs to check a number of possible key combinations to figure out what you might have been spelling.

I will still prefer a QWERTY slider though :)

gerbick 2010-10-01 00:52

Re: N8 has begun SHIPPING!

Originally Posted by codedivine (Post 830530)
Off-topic, but have you tried Swype on any handset? Would be interested in hearing your experiences

I'm using it on the Captivate. Friggin' fast, takes a while to get used to - like 15 minutes - then it's rapid. It's also pretty darn accurate as far as word choice goes... all but curse words or foreign words (I'll probably need to include German too if I can).

If I'm in a rush, I'll switch from the Samsung keyboard to the Swype keyboard and I'm pretty rapid with it.

kryptoniankid17 2010-10-01 02:41

Re: N8 has begun SHIPPING!

Originally Posted by atilla (Post 830451)
n97 feelings came up if i saw this vid.

just used an iphone like this chick. Got the same results. ITs getting kinda lame.

gerbick 2010-10-01 05:26

Re: N8 has begun SHIPPING!

Originally Posted by kryptoniankid17 (Post 830576)
just used an iphone like this chick. Got the same results. ITs getting kinda lame.

I doubt the UI from that movie Minority Report could keep up with that chick.

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