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atilla 2010-09-30 20:25

Re: Jurassic 3D RollerCoaster Rush now in Ovi repos
everything is ok but if i type apt-get install njurassiclite it says
couldn't find package njurassiclite
EDIT: ok i had ovi disabled now its working thanks mohammad:)

MohammadAG 2010-09-30 20:34

Re: Jurassic 3D RollerCoaster Rush now in Ovi repos
May I also add that Nokia apparently took down the source of that edited package, and I lost it in a format, so I don't have a source for it.

configure the latest apt source from the maemo repos with --disable-block-hidden

chase15 2010-09-30 21:05

Re: Jurassic 3D RollerCoaster Rush now in Ovi repos
installed it.. thanks for mohammadAG... fun game.. very nice graphics..

datjomp 2010-09-30 21:12

Re: Jurassic 3D RollerCoaster Rush now in Ovi repos

Originally Posted by MohammadAG (Post 830385)
An alternative way to install would be:

dpkg -i apt_0.7.20.2maemo13.1_0m5latest_armel.deb
apt-get install njurassiclite

I bow for thee master for all the goodies you contribute with to this forum :)
Nice for noobs like me,just copy and paste
Fun to try the long awaited game
Thanks :)

slender 2010-09-30 21:35

Re: Jurassic 3D RollerCoaster Rush now in Ovi repos
too low fps to my taste :|

2slik4u 2010-09-30 21:42

Re: Jurassic 3D RollerCoaster Rush now in Ovi repos

Originally Posted by MohammadAG (Post 830385)
An alternative way to install would be:

dpkg -i apt_0.7.20.2maemo13.1_0m5latest_armel.deb
apt-get install njurassiclite

What do i do with this code, or where do i type this code??

kolos 2010-09-30 21:51

Re: Jurassic 3D RollerCoaster Rush now in Ovi repos

Originally Posted by 2slik4u (Post 830436)
What do i do with this code, or where do i type this code??

Type it (copy & paste) in X terminal, but not forget to enable internet connection before that.

2slik4u 2010-09-30 21:57

Re: Jurassic 3D RollerCoaster Rush now in Ovi repos

Originally Posted by kolos (Post 830441)
Type it (copy & paste) in X terminal, but not forget to enable internet connection before that.

Im in X term with internet on, when i run the code it displays the following:

-sh: wget: not found

chase15 2010-09-30 22:01

Re: Jurassic 3D RollerCoaster Rush now in Ovi repos

Originally Posted by 2slik4u (Post 830445)
Im in X term with internet on, when i run the code it displays the following:

-sh: wget: not found


sudo gainroot

apt-get update

dpkg -i apt_0.7.20.2maemo13.1_0m5latest_armel.deb
apt-get install njurassiclite

mastac 2010-09-30 22:05

Re: Jurassic 3D RollerCoaster Rush now in Ovi repos

Originally Posted by 2slik4u (Post 830445)
Im in X term with internet on, when i run the code it displays the following:

-sh: wget: not found

I had this problem too, think its something to do with the n900 not downloading files properly. I downloaded with my PC then transfered the .deb across and it worked.

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