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ericsson 2010-10-12 17:52

Re: Traditional TFT LCD of the N900 and the new SLCD !

Originally Posted by augustya (Post 839100)
C'mon guys I want a comparison between the SLCD screen of the HTC-Desire and the N900...Which one is better ?

Nothing can compete with Clear Black Amoled :D

augustya 2010-10-12 17:57

Re: Traditional TFT LCD of the N900 and the new SLCD !

Originally Posted by ericsson (Post 839455)
Nothing can compete with Clear Black Amoled :D

Some Part of the world the HTC-Desire is also sold with SLCD So I am talking here about SLCD vs N900 LCD I know Amoled is the best but I am not comparing Amoled vs N900. I am talking between SLCD(HTC-Desire) and N900 LCD.

festivalnut 2010-10-12 18:08

Re: Traditional TFT LCD of the N900 and the new SLCD !
have you ever bought a tv? you can run through all the stats, lcd vs plasma vs dlp, 1080p, contrast, reaction time, blah blah blah. it dont mean much til you see the quality, screens may look good on paper and suck in real life. its not philosophy its common sense and good advice. you want to know which is best then have a look yourself.

eitama 2010-10-12 18:12

Re: Traditional TFT LCD of the N900 and the new SLCD !
Agree with festivaslnut.

I have a 37" HD ready LCD toshiba from 5 years ago, cost my ALOT.
My brother just bought a new Philips Full HD 42" with great specs, cost almost as much as my toshiba did (which is a lot today).

The Toshiba is much more fun to watch, and the philips is odd with all the video smoothing and who knows what algorithms they run to improve the picture.

Facts are the toshiba with 5 years old technology pawns the super new philips with cutting edge led panel.

ericsson 2010-10-12 18:41

Re: Traditional TFT LCD of the N900 and the new SLCD !
You have to try them. Head to head test. The N900 is not good in bright sunlight.

kureyon 2010-10-12 19:40

Re: Traditional TFT LCD of the N900 and the new SLCD !

Originally Posted by augustya (Post 839450)
.........................yes !!

Well I'm telling you, CRT is the bestest :rolleyes:

Discussion over. Go back to sleep.

Radicalz38 2010-10-13 00:19

Re: Traditional TFT LCD of the N900 and the new SLCD !
god! Of all the people who posted here... @.@ the OP was asking your personal choice. That's it nothing more nothing less. Why bother typing so much words instead of typing the device name of your choice.
BTW for me it's n900 when it comes to screen, pixel count matters. On image printing? That's a different story.

augustya 2010-10-13 05:20

Re: Traditional TFT LCD of the N900 and the new SLCD !
Exactly ! I know Amoled is way to ahead in terms of technology and being the next generation of Display screens so the screen of N900 cannot be a match to it. But how is S-LCD in terms of display when compared with the N900.

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