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Dancairo 2010-10-15 06:51

Re: Portrait Mode for the N900 is Coming! The Wait is Over!
yep, this is good news indeed, and i expect to have a play with it in dual boot but i imagine that maemo will still be my primary os as, for me, it's everything i need it to for portrait, I'd permanently disable it across the board if I could rather than in each individual app..but yep, looking forward to meego and the ability to play with it alongside maemo and not in place of.

mece 2010-10-15 06:54

Re: Portrait Mode for the N900 is Coming! The Wait is Over!
That is all.

zifis 2010-10-15 06:59

Re: Portrait Mode for the N900 is Coming! The Wait is Over!
What if the common mode for mobile phones was landscape?!

And anyway we already have portrait mode for calls, browsing and sms what else do you need it for?

uk_ramprasad 2010-10-15 07:08

Re: Portrait Mode for the N900 is Coming! The Wait is Over!
Is it Comes with Maemo PR1,.3 or Meego 1,1. If its comes with PR 1.3 will buy N900 and if not i have to wait for Meego , how the OS will takeoff.

jflatt 2010-10-15 07:11

Re: Portrait Mode for the N900 is Coming! The Wait is Over!
That is one seriously misguided article. Do you ever think to do any research at all?

D4rKlar 2010-10-15 07:15

Re: Portrait Mode for the N900 is Coming! The Wait is Over!

When you say now... :D

Kind Regards,

niche 2010-10-15 07:26

Re: Portrait Mode for the N900 is Coming! The Wait is Over!
I can imagine the facepalm tsunami at Nokia headquarters. The whole portrait mode discussion is a strange phenomenon and proof that device designers have more brains than the general public. To put it simply: You should have bought a, not a tablet. And you should feel lucky that Nokia took care of this non-issue.
Using the N900 in portrait mode always felt awkward to me, it just hasn't been designed for it. At least as awkward as turning your pc screen 90°.

I dig 2-handed landscape-mode productivity, like studying while on the road.

F2thaK 2010-10-15 07:28

Re: Portrait Mode for the N900 is Coming! The Wait is Over!

elie-7 2010-10-15 07:41

Re: Portrait Mode for the N900 is Coming! The Wait is Over!
i'm bloody lost, are you guys talking about portrait in maemo5 with the upcoming pr1.3, or are you talking about portrait in meego 1.1 ?????

D4rKlar 2010-10-15 07:43

Re: Portrait Mode for the N900 is Coming! The Wait is Over!

Originally Posted by niche (Post 841675)
I can imagine the facepalm tsunami at Nokia headquarters. The whole portrait mode discussion is a strange phenomenon and proof that device designers have more brains than the general public. To put it simply: You should have bought a, not a tablet. And you should feel lucky that Nokia took care of this non-issue.
Using the N900 in portrait mode always felt awkward to me, it just hasn't been designed for it. At least as awkward as turning your pc screen 90°.

I dig 2-handed landscape-mode productivity, like studying while on the road.

Don't get me wrong, 99% of the time I use it in landscape mode (3 out of 4 desktops are landscape) but when I'm out say.. in a bar/pub/club it feels perfect using it in portrait (all of the apps on that desktop are portrait apps, Filebox, Fapman, General Settings, Instinctiv, MicroB, FastSMS). It's got to the point where I can bring up the phone menu as it comes out my pocket before I've even seen the screen.

Why limit yourself when you can have it all? :D

Kind Regards,

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