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mhamza 2010-10-26 19:30

Re: PR 1.3 LITTLE changes with HUGE DISAPPOINT!!!

Originally Posted by leetut (Post 852165)
although i find it rather a funny comment it does spread hate in the forum, and id rather not see comments like that,
now other users are gonna think its ok to call people a prick:confused:

I dont agree because you cannot change what others raised on, politness is something taught before being able to post on forums, all what you can do is neglect what u dont like, clowns need audience, no audience no clown, this is not specific for Roger, it is general idea

mhamza 2010-10-26 19:34

Re: PR 1.3 LITTLE changes with HUGE DISAPPOINT!!!

Originally Posted by cddiede (Post 851978)
Well if you think that adding turn by turn voice navigation to the Maps application should be easy, then please do it and share.

And what do you mean no Video Call support? I've been using Skype Video calls from my N900's native dialer application to Desktop Skype users for months now. Get a clue.

Plz, Read, THINK, and then reply

Creamy Goodness 2010-10-26 19:42

Re: PR 1.3 LITTLE changes with HUGE DISAPPOINT!!!
this is what a huge disappoint looks like, for future reference:

aminulahsan 2010-10-26 19:45

Re: PR 1.3 LITTLE changes with HUGE DISAPPOINT!!!

Originally Posted by mhamza (Post 852189)
Plz, Read, THINK, and then reply

i wonder why nobody thanked you.. :p LMAO

sela 2010-10-26 19:46

Re: PR 1.3 LITTLE changes with HUGE DISAPPOINT!!!
I agree. PR1.3 is a colossal disappointment for me as well.

1. The AI sucks big time. The phone is still unable to guess what I want without me telling him everything explicitly.
2. No ponies!!! I really expected this update to come with a support for a pony, and it didn't happen!!!!!!!!!!!1111
3. No time travel. C'mmon people, how hard can it be to add support for time travel?

This is nothing like what I expected, and I am huge dissapoint too. Shame on you, Nokia!

stopgap 2010-10-26 19:54

Re: PR 1.3 LITTLE changes with HUGE DISAPPOINT!!!
To the few of you who leapt on this post and abused the OP: you are without question worse than "TROLLS", there is no excuse for that kind of language or behaviour towards other people. This is especially so as this forum has a strong multi-language user base! What you perceive from high thrones to be "WHINING" and "COMPLAINING" and "WAAAAAHHH" and "TROLLING" (and so on!) can often be a pure lack of grasp on the finer points of English and the tone therein of one's writing.

If you don't like what someone says and have nothing mature or constructive to say, just say nothing... move on and read something else. If you don't keep posting these things, threads which you so vehemently despise will not grow so long, won't keep up at the top of the most recent posts list and will vanish! Or, they will keep on being "TROLLED" but because you're a mature adult you'll have turned the other cheek and won't be wasting your time looking at it.

To those guilty of what I'm talking about here, I can only hope that for every time you speak to and treat someone like this on this or any other forum, someone in a real life situation does it to and see how much you like it - preferably someone you can't talk back to, to equate to the ganging up that you all do.

It is YOU people who make this forum an unpleasant place to use, not the supposed "TROLLERS!"

mhamza 2010-10-26 20:01

Re: PR 1.3 LITTLE changes with HUGE DISAPPOINT!!!

Originally Posted by sela (Post 852209)
I agree. PR1.3 is a colossal disappointment for me as well.

1. The AI sucks big time. The phone is still unable to guess what I want without me telling him everything explicitly.
2. No ponies!!! I really expected this update to come with a support for a pony, and it didn't happen!!!!!!!!!!!1111
3. No time travel. C'mmon people, how hard can it be to add support for time travel?

This is nothing like what I expected, and I am huge dissapoint too. Shame on you, Nokia!

Oh my God, you are soooo smart i never thought of those things
i think it is obvious now that even the stupid people are disappointed although thier demands are very simple and naive
thanks s.... for your support.
alot of clowns around here this is amazing

slender 2010-10-26 20:16

Re: PR 1.3 LITTLE changes with HUGE DISAPPOINT!!!
As long as we do not got official full change-log I can to some extent understand these rants.

Does this really include all the internal bug fixes?

mhamza 2010-10-26 23:31

Re: PR 1.3 LITTLE changes with HUGE DISAPPOINT!!!
Again and Again
It is not a complaint, THANKS TO NOKIA
I am Disappointed
what is wrong with a user saying that he expected new options
like using the fron camera, have the navigation turn by turn just like other handsets supported
i am not talking about sophisticated advanced core changes
i am talking about simple options as a user not a developer

i dont think that this is odd

Sadavyk 2010-10-26 23:37

Re: PR 1.3 LITTLE changes with HUGE DISAPPOINT!!!
[QUOTE=mhamza;851958]I just updated to the lates PR 1.3 and guess what??
-NO Video Call support!! :mad:]
try google video calls works really well just like it did a year ago

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