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TiagoTiago 2010-10-27 16:21

Re: Application that can send photo for free???

Originally Posted by etuoyo (Post 853796)
The best thing about Blackberry for me (or only good thing) is messanger. And one of the best things about blackberry messanger is the fact I can quickly send files to anyone. Amazing. Wish Nokia had this. Don't know why they don't but then again I don't know a lot about how technologies work but like to see useful tech. And it sure is useful.

And the United Arab Emirates can spy on your convos if you're over their territory regardless of the beefed up pricey berrycription......

Anyway, when you say it sends to anyone, do you really mean to anyone, or just to anyone that also got a berry?

manifesto42 2010-10-27 16:25

Re: Application that can send photo for free???
- ssh to your friend's n900 and send the file through the terminal. Thats the geek (right) way to do it. If he doesnt have an N900, he probably doesnt deserve to get the file anyway. :D

- use dropn900

evilgto 2010-10-27 16:27

Re: Application that can send photo for free???
Nah.....most pple not using n900...most are on iphone or bb....some how need an application that can integrate with them man

jmk 2010-10-27 17:04

Re: Application that can send photo for free???

Or setup ftp-server on your N900 and do the same thing to your friends machine and then use the fukkin ftp-clients to send and download files.


etuoyo 2010-10-27 17:38

Re: Application that can send photo for free???

Originally Posted by jmk (Post 853863)

Or setup ftp-server on your N900 and do the same thing to your friends machine and then use the fukkin ftp-clients to send and download files.


Hmm sure he was looking for a simple and convenient solution like how if you are using skype on your PC you can share files as easy as A,B,C.

evilgto 2010-10-28 06:01

Re: Application that can send photo for free???

Originally Posted by etuoyo (Post 853913)
Hmm sure he was looking for a simple and convenient solution like how if you are using skype on your PC you can share files as easy as A,B,C.

Yup...thats what i am looking for....Guess there is no such application like this exist for now :D

ossipena 2010-10-28 06:27

Re: Application that can send photo for free???

Originally Posted by evilgto (Post 853817)
Nah.....most pple not using n900...most are on iphone or bb....some how need an application that can integrate with them man

this has been mentioned many times already but here we go:


benny1967 2010-10-28 06:54

Re: Application that can send photo for free???
with endless possibilities and none of them good enough for our dear OP, i wonder where this thread will eventually end.... put your phone upside-down on a xerox machine and send the copy by fax? end the whole phone via UPS? a torrent maybe?

TiagoTiago 2010-10-29 13:50

Re: Application that can send photo for free???
isn't there a program that allows you to send files using some of the acounts in the builltin communication stuff?

retsaw 2010-10-30 02:47

Re: Application that can send photo for free???
Why not bluetooth? Okay that might be a problem for iPhones, though that isn't the n900s fault.

Another option is to install lighttpd (a lightweight webserver), you can also install mobile hotspot in case there isn't a wifi network handy, then your friends can point their web browser to your n900 and download the files you want to share that way.

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