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marktold 2010-11-11 07:16

Re: N900 battery life in your daily use.

What kind of excuse is this when you come home late and drunk: "the battery on my N900 died" : ROFLOL


Just as I said yesterday my battery life improved I went to bed and even took it to offline mode. went flat in 2 hours according to battery eye. Strange.


kingxxx70 2010-11-11 21:56

Re: N900 battery life in your daily use.
my wifi is off but I have 3.5 G all day. Always sync , my hotmail, gmail and exchange emails. a few calls in the day. Batter is as good as dead after 6 to 8 hours.

mobiledivide 2010-11-12 01:02

Re: N900 battery life in your daily use.
EDGE always on or wifi, nokia messaging and IM on with about 30 minutes calls some sms and a little bit of Tweego I get about 24 hours. No widgets bluetooth off. Pre 1.3 it was about 16 hours.

RenaldoTT 2010-11-12 01:40

Re: N900 battery life in your daily use.
Playing WebOS games is what eats my battery these days :) I still get a fair 10hours out of it though

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