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mattbutsko 2010-12-18 18:09

Re: Are people still overclocking?
I would overclock to 1150, which is stable for me on titan's ulv, but the battery is murdered when I do that. Now I clock 600 to 850 on ulv. Runs well.

tele 2010-12-18 18:53

Re: Are people still overclocking?

Originally Posted by mattbutsko (Post 899551)
I would overclock to 1150, which is stable for me on titan's ulv, but the battery is murdered when I do that. Now I clock 600 to 850 on ulv. Runs well.

ideal is the best for battery instead of ulv
500-950... this uses a tiny bit less voltage then 250-600

zimon 2010-12-18 18:59

Re: Are people still overclocking?

Originally Posted by geneven (Post 899470)
In fact, despite claims to the contrary, I don't think Nokia can prove whether or not an N900 has been overclocked.

On most of the phones I know a way how to prove it.
# less -f /dev/mtd2ro

HellFlyer 2010-12-18 19:00

Re: Are people still overclocking?
As long as N900 is my everyday phone I dont tinker with overcloking/Nitdroid etc with it too much ,
I tired overclocking but its not that fast what N900 really lacks is RAM. When N9 is released I will most likely do some crazy things on my N900 but not now, I depend on it :P

zimon 2010-12-18 19:02

Re: Are people still overclocking?
kernel-power is useful even without overclocking, as you can enable lower voltage-settings and it will save battery and device life by wearing them slower.

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