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natedog400 2011-01-03 19:58

Re: N900 is loosing the pace (imo)

Originally Posted by elie-7 (Post 910780)
well android is very far from perfect, so yes booting it from the emmc isn't oerfect ;) .
and everyone talks about the polished apps and games that android have, well lets say you are browsing the web in maemo5, saw an awesome android app/game, in less than 3 minutes (if you are rnning nitdroid from the emmc) you can download that app from the marketplce and test it .

Ahhh yes but how hard is it for people like me to do? If you could divide all n900 users into... like user groups, say bottom being someone who just got his n900 n knows nothing about it, to the people that develop software n stuff, ya kno... the real geeks! I'd say i'm in the middle somewhere. i've learned alot since i got it and i don't mind risking things like overclocking and tryin stuff from extras devel. I've watched some vids of people duel booting put to be honest... it looks a bit choppy? I don't really understand, has it been developed propperly for the n900 or has it just been cropped n botched or what?

elie-7 2011-01-03 21:19

Re: N900 is loosing the pace (imo)

Originally Posted by natedog400 (Post 910875)
Ahhh yes but how hard is it for people like me to do? If you could divide all n900 users into... like user groups, say bottom being someone who just got his n900 n knows nothing about it, to the people that develop software n stuff, ya kno... the real geeks! I'd say i'm in the middle somewhere. i've learned alot since i got it and i don't mind risking things like overclocking and tryin stuff from extras devel. I've watched some vids of people duel booting put to be honest... it looks a bit choppy? I don't really understand, has it been developed propperly for the n900 or has it just been cropped n botched or what?

ok thats it i' going to say it L :p
i'm only 16 :D and i never used linux before or any open source os on a desktop computer !!
i dual booted nitdroid from the emmc, its blazing fast with an overclock comparing to these old youtube vidz . it took me just a couple of minutes to boot nitdroid, what took a lot of time was the download time because of my slow connection .
and yes i'm just another 16 years old that cares about music, taking pics/vidz, texting, chatting on msn/fb/skype, video calls and browsing the insternet . and the n900 does all these in an amazing awesome epic way .
i'm just a cool noob and i still prefer my n900 over any android or iphone .

danramos 2011-01-03 21:50

Re: N900 is loosing the pace (imo)
Ugh. s/loosing/losing/

natedog400 2011-01-04 21:30

Re: N900 is loosing the pace (imo)

Originally Posted by elie-7 (Post 910962)
ok thats it i' going to say it L :p
i'm only 16 :D and i never used linux before or any open source os on a desktop computer !!
i dual booted nitdroid from the emmc, its blazing fast with an overclock comparing to these old youtube vidz . it took me just a couple of minutes to boot nitdroid, what took a lot of time was the download time because of my slow connection .
and yes i'm just another 16 years old that cares about music, taking pics/vidz, texting, chatting on msn/fb/skype, video calls and browsing the insternet . and the n900 does all these in an amazing awesome epic way .
i'm just a cool noob and i still prefer my n900 over any android or iphone .

Man, u make me feel like an idiot! I'm...well, a bit older than you and you obviously kno a thing or two. I wanna try nitdroid but i'm guessing its still under development thats why its a pain in the arse to install (or is it?) Does everythin work on yours coz i read somewhere that most of the features and sound and stuff don't even work yet?

nathaneous 2011-01-04 21:57

Re: N900 is loosing the pace (imo)
I was playing with my mums Galaxy S over xmas. I was like 'mum do you want to swap my bb curve for your Galaxy S' she said 'ok' because she doesn't know any better :D Now i have N900 and Galaxy S (it was a great xmas lol)

The Galaxy S is a top phone, bottom line. Its sleak, lightweight and has apps and games in abundance. The N900 is a mini-computer, big and clunky, with many apps in development.

I like both however i prefer the N900. I like customizing my desktops, reading an ebook while listening to internet radio, doing the basic things i might do on a laptop. The Galaxy S is still a great phone, but the N900 still stands out in my opinion.

Meego better be the s*** otherwise i'm going back to my 3210.

elie-7 2011-01-05 13:12

Re: N900 is loosing the pace (imo)

Originally Posted by nathaneous (Post 911772)

Meego better be the s*** otherwise i'm going back to my 3210.

same here :D

ysss 2011-01-05 13:21

Re: N900 is loosing the pace (imo)
All these strong one sided opinions... I wonder about what you think when you've actually tried all the flavors.

Joseph.skb 2011-01-05 14:01

Re: N900 is loosing the pace (imo)
Let me start by saying I'm really pleased with my N900 so far,and I have none whatsoever intention on changing it, because I just enjoy using it (and I don't have the budget). I'm seriously hoping to maintain my N900 for at least another good 3 years. :p

Still, having said that, let me say this. I believe the N900 will obsolete itself soon, and the faster we come to terms with the harsh reality, the better it is for us to move on with change. It's nothing to be afraid of, or to feel anger, hurt, or even disappointment. It's like Tiboric said, 'it is after all just a phone!'.

I've always wondered which came first (like the chicken or egg situation); processors or games (in this case applications). In PC world we know games are a huge billion dollar industry and so are processors. But the question is, who's changing who? There'll come a time our ARM will not be able to support new apps introduced by iPhone 5,6,7 or Symbian ^4,5,6 or Android something - no matter how much we OC it.

Also, think about this, the advance-ness of the N900 or any other swiss-army smartphones out there will eventually be the main cause of it's own death. When we have so many functions, the probability of one (or two) features malfunction is higher, and the repair could probably cost more than the iPhone 5,6,7.

While the 32Gb+16Gb+brick solid body could outlast some of our active participation here, there are some components that we can't change. And that's when the N900 will lose its pace. But for now, let's get 3G video call and more great apps!!!


mahousaru 2011-01-05 20:07

Re: N900 is loosing the pace (imo)
N900 loosing pace? I'm still waiting for my openpandora... just Two More Months (TM)

natedog400 2011-01-06 20:08

Re: N900 is loosing the pace (imo)

Originally Posted by mahousaru (Post 912518)
N900 loosing pace? I'm still waiting for my openpandora... just Two More Months (TM)

Forgive me but... I don't see the point in them? I never heard of em till you just mentioned it so i've watched a few vids ont tube. They look pretty cool i guess but what can they do that smartphones these days can't? I might be missing something so forgive me my friend :)

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