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blue_led 2011-01-11 17:29

Re: "Powerbrickless" wall charger?
i don't find anything slim & small than an european 2 pin wall plug
you need something to plug in wall socket.
my latest check: n900 don't charge from 220V AC and you can't plug stripped wire directly to wall :p

festivalnut 2011-01-11 17:38

Re: "Powerbrickless" wall charger?
i think the problem is nobody actually needs it, an over-engineered and expensive solution to a problem that doesn't exist, with minimum appeal, is not likely to see the light of day.

TiagoTiago 2011-01-11 17:49

Re: "Powerbrickless" wall charger?
It is somthing i would expect from those brands that sell designer products (like foldable USB hubs, those bottles with a second hole to hold ice, chairs shaped like giant hands etc)

zimon 2011-01-11 18:19

Re: "Powerbrickless" wall charger?

Originally Posted by slender (Post 916656)
I´m not sure what are you talking about but good old (some of them) N95 had this kind of power adapter:

That would be rather nice, 800 mA I believe.

If one wants to change that 2mm connector to microUSB-male, what where to buy a component to be soldered to that cable?

I've sometimes asked in couple of electronics shops do they have microUSB-male-connectors which could nicely connected to the small cable, but they haven't had those in stock.

I know there is adapter 2mm to microUSB, but I am not looking for that kind of solution but to replace the male connector at once to microUSB.

ysss 2011-01-11 18:21

Re: "Powerbrickless" wall charger?

lohiaprateek 2011-01-11 18:34

Re: "Powerbrickless" wall charger?
i use the amazon kindle with the usb cable..charges all my devices which charge off usb..just change cable and u r ready to go..

slender 2011-01-11 20:12

Re: "Powerbrickless" wall charger?
Sorry for "offtopic" but here is more:
Looks like there is no EU-version of that.
More same stuff:
Seem to be 850-1000mA chargers

blue_led 2011-01-11 22:55

Re: "Powerbrickless" wall charger?

Originally Posted by zimon (Post 918027)
If one wants to change that 2mm connector to microUSB-male, what where to buy a component to be soldered to that cable?

plug & shield
over, a thermal shrink tube can give a commercial look

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