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m_dk29 2011-02-23 21:52

Nokia Leaves Maemo and Meego for this!!!!

Its purely business for MS and Nokia, no more ethics in corporate world.

jo21 2011-02-23 21:57

Re: Nokia Leaves Maemo and Meego for this!!!!
well CEO and microsoft moneyhat shareholders.

sadly nokia its too big to die, but they will never rule the market anymore.

windows7 2011-02-23 22:13

Re: The future of your Nokia Windows phone
Not surprised i didn't see this thread, the title does not make it justice... instead merging threads why not try to change the name for something more meanful.

JamesBond@ge 2011-02-23 22:18

Re: The future of your Nokia Windows phone

Originally Posted by theonelaw (Post 953795)
While lurking here in wait for the M$spell-checkers to show up
and reveal themselves in all their glory....

LMAO!! Got there first.

cfh11 2011-02-23 22:29

Re: Nokia Leaves Maemo and Meego for this!!!!

Originally Posted by m_dk29 (Post 954066)

Its purely business for MS and Nokia, no more ethics in corporate world.

wtf are you talking about? it is always about business. like i said in the main M$/nokia thread, the main objective of any company is to make money. to believe otherwise is foolish. and what do ethics have to do with this?

btw, maemo and meego are anything but bug-free. bit of the pot calling the kettle black here.

m_dk29 2011-02-24 00:32

Re: Nokia Leaves Maemo and Meego for this!!!!

Originally Posted by cfh11 (Post 954096)
wtf are you talking about? it is always about business. like i said in the main M$/nokia thread, the main objective of any company is to make money. to believe otherwise is foolish. and what do ethics have to do with this?

btw, maemo and meego are anything but bug-free. bit of the pot calling the kettle black here.

I know about the F****** fact that its about business.

Who is making money? Nokia has been rated in under perform category by 3 major analysts linky, hope you know what it means.

Ethics i am taking about is backing off people who believe in them and show ray of hope to some open source and promising platforms.
People affected by Nokia : maemo, meego, symbian and consumers who are loyal fans of nokia.

I stand proudly and say maemo is best than many other OS out there. Only lacking is proper marketing and Apps if you compare to iphone.

Agreed nothing is bug free including maemo/meemo but they never failed on update and stops phone from working.

Atleast 50% of people here buys nokia with maemo/meego but nokia with WP not even 10%.

Iam not a business expert like you but basic rule in making business deal is to raise not sink.

xRobby 2011-02-24 00:52

Re: Nokia Leaves Maemo and Meego for this!!!!
can you guys go away with all these nokia threads? i'm trying to find out stuff to make my Maemo device better, not be bombarded with irrelevant threads all the time.

deyons 2011-02-24 00:57

Re: Nokia Leaves Maemo and Meego for this!!!!
You seem to be lost, not to worry heres a link to the forum you belong too: LINK

Any how, I'm very sad to see you men not doing your jobs!
I'm doing mine!

9000 2011-02-24 01:03

Re: Nokia Leaves Maemo and Meego for this!!!!
From the article:


Microsoft released the first update to Windows Phone 7 Monday, but rather than improve things, it fails to install for some customers — and for an unlucky few, it actually bricks their phones.
Now users aren't required to flash in order to brick a Nokia phone.

"Latest update bought them down" - that's how our system admin gets away from Windows servers' outages. I think I could use the same excuse for not taking calls in the future.

Now there's one good reason to buy a WP7 phone. ;)

m_dk29 2011-02-24 01:06

Re: Nokia Leaves Maemo and Meego for this!!!!

Originally Posted by xRobby (Post 954194)
can you guys go away with all these nokia threads? i'm trying to find out stuff to make my Maemo device better, not be bombarded with irrelevant threads all the time.

Agreed sir, though i may not make maemo better, my support can definitely boost spirits of people who believe in maemo to make it better.

BTW, Aren't we going to install WP7 on N900 and dual boot with Maemo/Meego :D.

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