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tetris11_ 2011-03-10 11:10

Re: [Announce] PhoneStreamer - Nifty little app for streaming to your PC

Originally Posted by gendor (Post 964760)
Thank you, this is awesome! Would you consider providing the source?

It's a bit messy at the moment, and Im reluctant to share my infant coding with you guys.
I have my pride, dammit.

gendor 2011-03-10 12:52

Re: [Announce] PhoneStreamer - Nifty little app for streaming to your PC

Originally Posted by tetris11_ (Post 964798)
It's a bit messy at the moment, and Im reluctant to share my infant coding with you guys.
I have my pride, dammit.

How about just sharing the gst-launch parameters that you used, or maybe a short tutorial on how to use expect with gstreamer and any tips/tricks you picked up?

I've played around with gstreamer a little bit, but it's not always so easy to get the parameters right without slowing down the N900 too much. I've never heard of expect before seeing it in your dependencies - it seems like nice quick-and-dirty way to do scripting.

datjomp 2011-03-10 13:33

Re: [Announce] PhoneStreamer - Nifty little app for streaming to your PC
I tried it and it works for me.
When i try with the front camera I get a permanent red light in the front.
Seems like a bad thing??

txh 2011-03-10 13:46

Re: [Announce] PhoneStreamer - Nifty little app for streaming to your PC
I think this is a great idea.

tetris11_ 2011-03-10 14:19

Re: [Announce] PhoneStreamer - Nifty little app for streaming to your PC

Originally Posted by gendor (Post 964866)
How about just sharing the gst-launch parameters that you used, or maybe a short tutorial on how to use expect with gstreamer and any tips/tricks you picked up?

I've played around with gstreamer a little bit, but it's not always so easy to get the parameters right without slowing down the N900 too much. I've never heard of expect before seeing it in your dependencies - it seems like nice quick-and-dirty way to do scripting.

Oh right! Well I pretty much just used the gstreamer scripts from this page:
And the expect package isn't used for gstreamer at all, it's just a hassle free way of sending files between machines!

Alfred 2011-03-10 15:18

Re: [Announce] PhoneStreamer - Nifty little app for streaming to your PC
works great. I wonder if i can somehow use the ip of the meachine that is not in my net, for example over internet?

tetris11_ 2011-03-10 16:04

Re: [Announce] PhoneStreamer - Nifty little app for streaming to your PC
dont see why not!

m4r0v3r 2011-03-10 16:35

Re: [Announce] PhoneStreamer - Nifty little app for streaming to your PC
since all this works, how can I feed the video into an actual webcam device on linux?. and great work btw, there have been a few threads around and I spent hours trying to make it work through command line but it never did, and this, this worked first try, much appreciated.

tetris11_ 2011-03-10 17:07

Re: [Announce] PhoneStreamer - Nifty little app for streaming to your PC
I'm making a new release that will have a webcam (and Xout) feature very soon.
However, this method will only work for linux - and even then it relies on some handiwork on your end.

See this post:

It requires you to build v4l2loopback on your PC, which is something I cannot do on my end.

m4r0v3r 2011-03-10 18:17

Re: [Announce] PhoneStreamer - Nifty little app for streaming to your PC
I have v4l2loopback on my pc after some work, but I don't understand how I could work it into the SDP file though.

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