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ammyt 2011-04-02 19:14

Re: Protocols plugin for conversations - MSN not working

Originally Posted by rmarcus (Post 980464)
sorry...I meant pecan...Haze comes with what plugin? I can't find it...

Extra protocol plugins for conversations and sms or somerhing like that

Wichall 2011-04-03 14:22

Re: Protocols plugin for conversations - MSN not working
same issue here, seems to be an issue for pecan in general, see here:

Carlito 2011-04-03 20:05

Re: Protocols plugin for conversations - MSN not working
same here...

alextootchie 2011-04-03 22:03

Re: Protocols plugin for conversations - MSN not working
Same problem

felipec 2011-04-03 23:05

Re: Protocols plugin for conversations - MSN not working
Yeah, I'm the main developer of msn-pecan. There seems to be something broken on MSN servers, hopefully it will be fixed soon.

If not, I'll need to make some pretty big changes in msn-pecan.

riku2015 2011-04-04 11:16

Re: Protocols plugin for conversations - MSN not working
felipec, can you develop a port setting? couse it seems haze it works:

i don't wanna chango to haze (couse i need edit too much contacts and i don't remember who is who)

Dark_Angel85 2011-04-04 13:33

Re: Protocols plugin for conversations - MSN not working
yeah... me too... though haze seems pretty fine now... since i changed the port number..

Dark_Angel85 2011-04-05 00:24

Re: Protocols plugin for conversations - MSN not working
hmmm... I realised even when haze is connected, it seems to be not working 100% fine.... haze allows me to connect at 2 places at once but I can chat on my laptop but the conversations don't appear in my n900

Dark_Angel85 2011-04-06 23:33

Re: Protocols plugin for conversations - MSN not working
I realised... now even YM isn't signing in

rayson 2011-04-09 01:08

Re: Protocols plugin for conversations - MSN not working
been few days, pecan still not working yet, hopefully can be solved soon, keep up the good work :-)

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