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abill_uk 2011-04-07 00:09

Re: My phone is not turning on, shows blue light
If the charger does not eventually start to charge the battery and you get the same result from the pc then it is looking more like i said in the beggining that you have a usb port problem, whatever is happening you MUST get that battery charged externally to see if the device will turn on and i suspect it will once you have a charged battery proving the fact it is most probably a detatched usb port.

I asked you what message your pc reports when you plug the usb lead in even though the device is turned off, i am presuming you have Nokia PC Suite installed and the pc should report "Nokia N900 USB device connected in a non compatible USB mode", if you have no message at all then for sure it is a usb port detatchment fault.

Please try what i have said and let us know.

hhmah 2011-04-07 17:10

Re: My phone is not turning on, shows blue light

Originally Posted by abill_uk (Post 983351)
If the charger does not eventually start to charge the battery and you get the same result from the pc then it is looking more like i said in the beggining that you have a usb port problem, whatever is happening you MUST get that battery charged externally to see if the device will turn on and i suspect it will once you have a charged battery proving the fact it is most probably a detatched usb port.

I asked you what message your pc reports when you plug the usb lead in even though the device is turned off, i am presuming you have Nokia PC Suite installed and the pc should report "Nokia N900 USB device connected in a non compatible USB mode", if you have no message at all then for sure it is a usb port detatchment fault.

Please try what i have said and let us know.

i've tried everything... i've tried different battery from one of my friend phone.. nothin changed there was light on the screen for abt 10 seconds than just turned off..
i might just have to take it to the shop to fix it.

anyway thankx for the help

woody14619 2011-04-07 17:37

Re: My phone is not turning on, shows blue light

Originally Posted by hhmah (Post 983228)
i see solid yellow for abt 23 seconds with the NOKIA writing on the screen

The solid yellow is the fail-safe system trying to charge it.

Again: You were trying to install MeeGo on micro-SD. Have you removed the micro-SD card? If not, please try that. Another thing to try: Plug the phone in with the battery out, then insert the battery. That should prevent it from booting at all, and allow the stand alone charger to charge it for a while.

From the sound of it, you have probably messed up the boot loader, or the boot loader is trying to load from micro-SD and is getting into a reboot loop. That would prevent it from booting properly, even with a good battery.

If you've tried removing the micro-SD, it may be worth re-flashing the boot loader, and failing that, re-flashing the OS (not EMC). I would do so with a borrowed, fully charged battery though, as you don't want a reflash to be interrupted. A boot loader / kernel only reflash takes about 20 seconds, so that's a good place to start. A full OS reflash will take 5 to 10 minutes an will reset your program settings, but not the data in your "My Documents" area.


Originally Posted by abill_uk (Post 983351)
If the charger does not eventually start to charge the battery and you get the same result from the pc then it is looking more like i said in the beggining that you have a usb port problem

The fact that he's consistently getting a yellow light (indicating connection and charging attempt) makes me highly doubt it's a USB port issue. If it were he wouldn't be getting a charging indicator, or any response to plugging it in sometimes. Also, since he has tried it with a fresh battery, and it's behaving exactly the same way, there's little chance it's a USB issue.

It's possible that either his battery was over-discharged and is now toast, or (more likely) he hosed his boot loader when trying to install MeeGo. A simple re-flash will fix the latter, but you want to have a known good/charged battery in place to do that reflash.

geekgirl74 2011-04-07 17:47

Re: My phone is not turning on, shows blue light
have you already tried only flashing the kernel? you said, you uninstalled powerkernel, maybe you forgot to reinstall the stock kernel?

flasher-3.5 -F <firmware-image> --flash-only=kernel -f -R

where <firmware-image> is the name of the fiasco-image you have chosen, like for example RX-51_2009SE_20.2010.36-2_PR_COMBINED_MR0_ARM.bin

so on my N900 I would have to type:
flasher-3.5 -F RX-51_2009SE_20.2010.36-2_PR_COMBINED_MR0_ARM.bin --flash-only=kernel -f -R

EDIT: damn, should have reflashed the page before posting :D
thanks woody14619, couldn't have said that better :)

hhmah 2011-04-07 19:51

Re: My phone is not turning on, shows blue light

Originally Posted by woody14619 (Post 983781)
The solid yellow is the fail-safe system trying to charge it.

Again: You were trying to install MeeGo on micro-SD. Have you removed the micro-SD card? If not, please try that. Another thing to try: Plug the phone in with the battery out, then insert the battery. That should prevent it from booting at all, and allow the stand alone charger to charge it for a while.

From the sound of it, you have probably messed up the boot loader, or the boot loader is trying to load from micro-SD and is getting into a reboot loop. That would prevent it from booting properly, even with a good battery.

If you've tried removing the micro-SD, it may be worth re-flashing the boot loader, and failing that, re-flashing the OS (not EMC). I would do so with a borrowed, fully charged battery though, as you don't want a reflash to be interrupted. A boot loader / kernel only reflash takes about 20 seconds, so that's a good place to start. A full OS reflash will take 5 to 10 minutes an will reset your program settings, but not the data in your "My Documents" area.

The fact that he's consistently getting a yellow light (indicating connection and charging attempt) makes me highly doubt it's a USB port issue. If it were he wouldn't be getting a charging indicator, or any response to plugging it in sometimes. Also, since he has tried it with a fresh battery, and it's behaving exactly the same way, there's little chance it's a USB issue.

It's possible that either his battery was over-discharged and is now toast, or (more likely) he hosed his boot loader when trying to install MeeGo. A simple re-flash will fix the latter, but you want to have a known good/charged battery in place to do that reflash.

not sure wht to say, i've done everything u said but doesnt work..

how can i refresh the phone, if it doesnt appear on the computer at all..

thankx for replying

hhmah 2011-04-07 19:53

Re: My phone is not turning on, shows blue light

Originally Posted by geekgirl74 (Post 983791)
have you already tried only flashing the kernel? you said, you uninstalled powerkernel, maybe you forgot to reinstall the stock kernel?

flasher-3.5 -F <firmware-image> --flash-only=kernel -f -R

where <firmware-image> is the name of the fiasco-image you have chosen, like for example RX-51_2009SE_20.2010.36-2_PR_COMBINED_MR0_ARM.bin

so on my N900 I would have to type:
flasher-3.5 -F RX-51_2009SE_20.2010.36-2_PR_COMBINED_MR0_ARM.bin --flash-only=kernel -f -R

EDIT: damn, should have reflashed the page before posting :D
thanks woody14619, couldn't have said that better :)

not sure how to refresh it.. i've got window 7..
it says on the internet somewher you cant do it with window 7

woody14619 2011-04-07 23:07

Re: My phone is not turning on, shows blue light

Originally Posted by hhmah (Post 983843)
not sure how to refresh it.. i've got window 7..
it says on the internet somewher you cant do it with window 7

That hasn't been true in a long while. Worst case, you can boot from a LiveCD from Kubuntu or the like and use Linux to flash the device. There are detailed instructions on the wiki in several places, including this one.

If you're not sure how to flash your device, you really shouldn't be playing with advanced things like MeeGo. MeeGo is in it's very early development stage, and is not usable by end users yet (which any download site for MeeGo or thread here on TMO would tell you).

Worst case you can probably get a Nokia care center to reflash it for you, but they will probably do a full reflash, meaning you'll lose any data stored on the device.

fasza2 2011-04-08 00:05

Re: My phone is not turning on, shows blue light

Originally Posted by hhmah (Post 983097)
one more thing the last thing i uninstall was Enhanced Linux kernel , than turned it off, and that when the problem appeared

thankx for the help

Im supprised nobody asked you this before, but how did you go about uninstalling the Enhanced Linux Kernel? I mean did you use the default App manager(HAM) or did you use the dedicated menu button? If you used HAM than your issue is quite simple and you just need a reflash... cause HAM will not restore your original kernel when you remove the power kernel and you are left with no kernel.
And that you will find out after first reboot.

PS: Don't play with MeeGo just yet and try to read about what you intall on your device hence power user stuff.

Hope that helps:)

hhmah 2011-04-08 16:12

Re: My phone is not turning on, shows blue light

Originally Posted by fasza2 (Post 983953)
Im supprised nobody asked you this before, but how did you go about uninstalling the Enhanced Linux Kernel? I mean did you use the default App manager(HAM) or did you use the dedicated menu button? If you used HAM than your issue is quite simple and you just need a reflash... cause HAM will not restore your original kernel when you remove the power kernel and you are left with no kernel.
And that you will find out after first reboot.

PS: Don't play with MeeGo just yet and try to read about what you intall on your device hence power user stuff.

Hope that helps:)

i downloaded Enhanced Linux Kernel from the app manager... then turned the phone off, i though it ganna help with booting between maemo and meego.. i didnt see anychanges so i went back to the file manager and uninstall the Enhanced Linux Kernel. than turned it off....... then after that i tried to turn the phone on but i couldn't..

hhmah 2011-04-08 16:22

Re: My phone is not turning on, shows blue light

Originally Posted by woody14619 (Post 983927)
That hasn't been true in a long while. Worst case, you can boot from a LiveCD from Kubuntu or the like and use Linux to flash the device. There are detailed instructions on the wiki in several places, including this one.

If you're not sure how to flash your device, you really shouldn't be playing with advanced things like MeeGo. MeeGo is in it's very early development stage, and is not usable by end users yet (which any download site for MeeGo or thread here on TMO would tell you).

Worst case you can probably get a Nokia care center to reflash it for you, but they will probably do a full reflash, meaning you'll lose any data stored on the device.

how can i refresh the phone.. if it doesnt connect to the computer at all

thankx for the help

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