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phap 2011-04-08 20:13

Re: [ANNOUNCE] Space Invaders in QML
Arrr! I tried to control the ship with the arrow now I understand it's with the accelerometer! I 'finished' the game now on two attemps. You sure should go to the Meego Coding Competition 2011 when you finish it, I'm sure you'll get plenty of votes, we need some good games like this one.

Alfred 2011-04-08 20:56

Re: [ANNOUNCE] Space Invaders in QML
Just got through the last fifth level...
Here are my impressions:
The flashing on shooting could be sometimes really annoying, especially when i go crazy and try to shoot every single time i touch the screen(btw, I think the ship should shoot a bit more frequently, say 1,5 times more). But some ppl like the flashing (i personally like to do it with my n900:)... The graphics are great, exacltly what you are expecting to see, when you hear: Space Invaders!
Although, i think all of the 5 levels are alike, or?
I know piggz you are thinking about creating more levels, but are we going to have a boss at the end? or would You want to keep it simple?..
Just my 2 cents.

piggz 2011-04-08 21:14

Re: [ANNOUNCE] Space Invaders in QML

Originally Posted by Alfred (Post 984351)
Just got through the last fifth level...
Here are my impressions:
The flashing on shooting could be sometimes really annoying, especially when i go crazy and try to shoot every single time i touch the screen(btw, I think the ship should shoot a bit more frequently, say 1,5 times more). But some ppl like the flashing (i personally like to do it with my n900:)... The graphics are great, exacltly what you are expecting to see, when you hear: Space Invaders!
Although, i think all of the 5 levels are alike, or?
I know piggz you are thinking about creating more levels, but are we going to have a boss at the end? or would You want to keep it simple?..
Just my 2 cents.

Glad you guys like it!
I'll make the flashing configurable.
I did originally have it so you could fire as much as you liked, but i think the original had it limited to one at a time.
The current levels get harder in that the aliens speed up and drop more bombs, but i agree some more variation might be needed.

I now have the bunkers mostly implemented (just the damage to refine) so hopefully have a new version in the next day or so.

AgogData 2011-04-09 14:08

Re: [ANNOUNCE] Space Invaders in QML
thanks for the game :-P

piggz 2011-04-09 14:38

Re: [ANNOUNCE] Space Invaders in QML

Originally Posted by AgogData (Post 984574)
still with no screenshots or videos ? is it really that hard ?

whats that in the first post??

piggz 2011-04-10 11:00

Re: [ANNOUNCE] Space Invaders in QML
Added version 0.0.8 to the first post. This version has bunkers. There is a small delay when starting a level as it created the bunkers at runtime. There may be a small performance hit while playing also, but i will look to address this in the next version. I've also removed the artificial level limit and made it only flash when it actually fires.

phap 2011-04-10 11:17

Re: [ANNOUNCE] Space Invaders in QML
Thanks for the update. I have a request: to be able to play with the arrows instead of the accelerometer. This game is so coooool.

ZogG 2011-04-10 11:45

Re: [ANNOUNCE] Space Invaders in QML
still asking to send it to extra-testing or extra-devel repo

piggz 2011-04-10 12:07

Re: [ANNOUNCE] Space Invaders in QML

Originally Posted by ZogG (Post 984976)
still asking to send it to extra-testing or extra-devel repo

Added to the TODO list on the first post

piggz 2011-04-10 15:01

Re: [ANNOUNCE] Space Invaders in QML
Just added version 0.0.9 with a settings window for Flash On Fire and use Accelerometer, enjoy!

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