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copperviking 2011-05-23 09:40

Re: [Announce] Mapsi - a map application for Finns

Originally Posted by orava (Post 1013311)
In "make map" mode one big map image is created from selected area and in "download only" mode map tiles from selected area are downloaded to database for offline use.

No. When you're moving around in the map all map tiles that you see are automatically saved to database for offline use. If you want to download all map tiles from selected area you can use "download only mode". (There's a bug in the current version that causes Mapsi to crash if map tiles are downloaded faster than they are written to database so you might have to limit download speed if you have fast Internet connection. That is fixed in the next version.)

Thanks that helped! I just dont know how to limit download speed? But thats not a problem. This works pretty well.

mve 2011-05-23 10:52

Re: [Announce] Mapsi - a map application for Finns

Originally Posted by orava (Post 1013318)
Do you have latest the libqt4-declarative package(4.7.0~git20100909-0maemo1+0m5)?

I will make it more clearer in the next version. I think I should also write some using instructions because there are some features that cannot be found if you don't know them (e.g. you can list all currently visible geocaches by double tapping geocache icon and you can switch between showing all/showing unfound geocaches by long pressing geocache icon)

I have Community SSU testing installed and libqt4-declarative version is 4.7.2~git20110302-0maemo2+cssu2 so probably this version brakes something in Mapsi.

Geocaching icon double tap and long press are nice features. Didn't found them without your comment so some instructions would be nice to have :-)

It seems that Mapsi will be the tool for me when looking the caches in the forest. Will make things much easier than using OSM or google maps.

extechop 2011-05-23 15:05

Re: [Announce] Mapsi - a map application for Finns
Nice piece of software for us Finns, though doesn't it have an icon?

copperviking 2011-05-23 15:39

Re: [Announce] Mapsi - a map application for Finns

Originally Posted by extechop (Post 1013591)
Nice piece of software for us Finns, though doesn't it have an icon?

Yes It does.

copperviking 2011-05-23 16:58

Re: [Announce] Mapsi - a map application for Finns

Originally Posted by orava (Post 1013311)
In "make map" mode one big map image is created from selected area and in "download only" mode map tiles from selected area are downloaded to database for offline use.

No. When you're moving around in the map all map tiles that you see are automatically saved to database for offline use. If you want to download all map tiles from selected area you can use "download only mode". (There's a bug in the current version that causes Mapsi to crash if map tiles are downloaded faster than they are written to database so you might have to limit download speed if you have fast Internet connection. That is fixed in the next version.)

So "make map" mode is basically some kind of extra function. Or what use is it for? It does .png file in .m apsi folder, but nothing else. You dont need that .png file for offline use. Not a big thing. I only want to learn all about this great piece off app. Thanks!

orava 2011-05-24 07:36

Re: [Announce] Mapsi - a map application for Finns

Originally Posted by copperviking (Post 1013688)
So "make map" mode is basically some kind of extra function. Or what use is it for? It does .png file in .m apsi folder, but nothing else. You dont need that .png file for offline use. Not a big thing. I only want to learn all about this great piece off app. Thanks!

Yes, it is just an extra function that you can use to combine map tiles to larger map image.

The next version with cadastral units(kiinteistörajat), portrait mode support and improved performance is coming this week. Also Windows version is coming soon.

extechop 2011-05-24 08:33

Re: [Announce] Mapsi - a map application for Finns

Originally Posted by copperviking (Post 1013613)
Yes It does [have an icon].

For some reason the software still appears on my phone just as a blue blob, like any newly installed application that hasn't yet made its icon available to the operating system. Anyone have ideas what could be causing this?

copperviking 2011-05-24 08:42

Re: [Announce] Mapsi - a map application for Finns

Originally Posted by extechop (Post 1014207)
For some reason the software still appears on my phone just as a blue blob, like any newly installed application that hasn't yet made its icon available to the operating system. Anyone have ideas what could be causing this?

Try to restart your phone. Many application need that to show icon correctly.

copperviking 2011-05-24 08:45

Re: [Announce] Mapsi - a map application for Finns

Originally Posted by orava (Post 1014186)
Yes, it is just an extra function that you can use to combine map tiles to larger map image.

The next version with cadastral units(kiinteistörajat), portrait mode support and improved performance is coming this week. Also Windows version is coming soon.

Sounds that good getting better! Can't wait.....

extechop 2011-05-24 08:47

Re: [Announce] Mapsi - a map application for Finns

Originally Posted by orava (Post 1014186)
The next version with cadastral units(kiinteistörajat), portrait mode support and improved performance is coming this week. Also Windows version is coming soon.

I sort of understand the stylistic choices made, but it would be nice to be able to remember which button is zoom in and which is zoom out. Could we please have the traditional plus and minus, or have it configurable?

Just out of curiosity, would it in principle also be possible to create a formula for Mappero to use the map tiles, or is the projection somehow different?

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