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Bernard 2011-05-16 10:54

Re: Wp7 f yes!
I haven't used WP7, so don't know if it works well.
I hope it is good. More good software and products is always a win for consumers.

I think brand loyalty is somewhat overrated.
When the first Nokia WP device is released, I doubt if it will be cheap.
But the current WP7 devices are becoming very affordable, the LG and Samsung are 200-250 euros (without a contract). So if you are interested in WP7, buying one of those would probably be a better idea.
And if WP turns out to be not for you, you can buy the MeeGo/Harmattan or an Android/iphone device in 6-12 months :)

Dion_ddc 2011-05-16 10:55

Re: Wp7 f yes!

Originally Posted by teh (Post 1007298)
Its obvious if you have a read of the forums that a lot of maemo/nokia (I would like to say majority but I can't factually prove that) users are NOT happy with the idea of WP7, and topics like this will provoke flames, and troll beating.

Which is why the IDC predicts that Nokia's marketshare in the smartphone market will increase?

ASIAN 2011-05-16 10:55

Re: Wp7 f yes!
Sorry if you don't like the concept of progression. WP7 is the future, failure to embrace will cause you to fall behind. Much like how I have an N900 in the year 2011.

Dion_ddc 2011-05-16 10:55

Re: Wp7 f yes!

Originally Posted by Bernard (Post 1007299)
I haven't used WP7, so don't know if it works well.
I hope it is good. More good software and products is always a win for consumers.

I think brand loyalty is somewhat overrated.
When the first Nokia WP device is released, I doubt if it will be cheap.
But the current WP7 devices are becoming very affordable, the LG and Samsung are 200-250 euros (without a contract). So if you are interested in WP7, buying one of those would probably be a better idea.
And if WP turns out to be not for you, you can buy the MeeGo/Harmattan or an Android/iphone device in 6-12 months :)

Good post, Bernard. Glad to see that there are some people who accept that the N900 is falling behind.

ASIAN 2011-05-16 10:57

Re: Wp7 f yes!
Benard, you are one smart man.

teh 2011-05-16 10:57

Re: Wp7 f yes!
Dude, its been discontinued and is looked after the community. We know that, but I've been on here long enough to know what thin ice you are treading on with Maemo faithfuls.

ASIAN 2011-05-16 10:58

Re: Wp7 f yes!
Yes thank-you, I have realised this due to the lack of apps available for me to download.

Dion_ddc 2011-05-16 11:00

Re: Wp7 f yes!

Originally Posted by teh (Post 1007304)
Dude, its been discontinued and is looked after the community. We know that, but I've been on here long enough to know what thin ice you are treading on with Maemo faithfuls.

Aw you're cute. Sticking up for your community, I like that.

I'm not trying to offend anyone here though. :/

I'm just saying the N900 is falling behind. Prove me wrong?

tissot 2011-05-16 11:00

Re: I cannot wait!
At first i thought you where for real.
I don't actually mind WP like many here, but creating just random threads.


Dion_ddc 2011-05-16 11:03

Re: I cannot wait!
I've created 1 thread.

Clearly you posted just to get your post count higher.

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