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ruskie 2011-06-21 09:40

Re: The EPIC N950 anticipation thread

Originally Posted by JohnLF (Post 1034384)
Conflicting info here???

One is for the normal the other for the front.

sneeze 2011-06-21 10:03

Re: The EPIC N950 anticipation thread
I guess everyone has seen this?

"To aid the speedy development of apps for the Nokia N9 smartphone, Nokia has produced a limited number of developer phones, the Nokia N950 phone. This phone isn't available for purchase and can only be obtained through selected developer programs, such as Nokia Developer LaunchPad."

blackjack4it 2011-06-21 10:29

Re: The EPIC N950 anticipation thread

Originally Posted by mivoligo (Post 1034351)
Do you guys think it'd be possible to flash N900 with N950 image from

I think that we can't flash the N950 OS image directly..we will need to "adapt" something like drivers for example :)

In my humple opinion, I think that Is possible with some tweaks..

F2thaK 2011-06-21 10:33

Re: The EPIC N950 anticipation thread
the N9 is the successor to the N8, hence the similar names

blackjack4it 2011-06-21 10:35

Re: The EPIC N950 anticipation thread

Originally Posted by F2thaK (Post 1034466)
the N9 is the successor to the N8, hence the similar names

I think not, the N8 is Symbian while the N9 is Meego

blackjack4it 2011-06-21 10:48

Re: The EPIC N950 anticipation thread
Do anyone know if there is a leak of the N9 or the N950 OS around the internet? We could open a Thread to begin a concept of porting..

NIN101 2011-06-21 10:53

Re: The EPIC N950 anticipation thread

dansus 2011-06-21 11:42

Re: The EPIC N950 anticipation thread
N950 with Fremantle sounds pretty epic right now, plus the N9 with Hartman and i would have everything i need.

Darkshine 2011-06-21 11:49

Re: The EPIC N950 anticipation thread
It's very disappointing that the N950 seems to be unbuyable, as it's a dream device for me. Oh well, grass is always greener an' all that..

Frappacino 2011-06-21 11:50

Re: The EPIC N950 anticipation thread

Originally Posted by Darkshine (Post 1034555)
It's very disappointing that the N950 seems to be unbuyable, as it's a dream device for me. Oh well, grass is always greener an' all that..

I am sure some will show up on ebay

be prepared to pay $$$ though

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