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Soulaxe 2011-06-29 14:31

Re: no N9 in UK, FR, IT, NL, ES and D
Hahahahahaha, Nokia really know what they're doing these days!

Rugoz 2011-06-29 14:31

Re: no N9 in UK, FR, IT, NL, ES and D
There is NO OFFICIAL WORD on release date yet, nor availability, except that obscure drop-down list. They only said it will come this year. There are rumours it will be available in august or september. The fact nokia has not announced a date yet kind of indicates that they have not yet decided what to do with the n9. Make it a success (and support it), or use it as a small experiment on selected markets.

geojoking 2011-06-29 16:55

Re: no N9 in UK, FR, IT, NL, ES and D
Well I'm sorry to say, but it kind of makes sense to focus on offering the WP7 in DE, UK, ES etc. because all the services that come with the WP7 phones don't work in other countries. Try using BING search for restaurants and whatnot in Romania (where I'm from) and you'll realize the results are thin.

So, even if the primary focus will be on the N9 or the WP7, depending on the country, I'm sure you can still get either of them. Just not through Nokia, but, as someone pointed out, Nokia is on the route to closing down its Nokia stores because they are just not profitable.

Again, I have the example of Romania. Nokia stores here are closing one by one because they just can't compete with carriers and distributors. A N900 used to cost a small fortune at the Nokia store, and it "went" with almost half the price @ carriers. So...

silent_64 2011-06-29 18:43

Re: no N9 in UK, FR, IT, NL, ES and D
Now I had to register just to end all this foolish speculation.

A dropdown list on Nokias webpage is not the end-all gospel regarding availability. Especially when the dev-page for the N9 states.

"Regional Availability:Global " - General tab

It doesn't say excluding UK, FR, IT, NL or any other WP launch countries, global means global.

Second, the dropdown list is completely bogus, here in Denmark we have 2 carriers confirming they'll stock the N9 upon release, one more stating they'll only carry the 16 GB version, and another carrier stating they'll wait and see how it's received. All 4 of them though acknowledging that it will in fact be released in DK - Even though we aren't in the dropdown list.

mrsellout 2011-06-29 18:46

Re: no N9 in UK, FR, IT, NL, ES and D

Originally Posted by sjgadsby (Post 1041440)
Very soon, Nokia won't be selling any phones at all in the UK. They plan the same in other developed, competitive markets.

Nokia not selling phones directly in a market does not necessarily equal Nokia phones not being available for sale in that market.

I'm buying into this theory more and more for 2 reasons.
1, Places like expansys and play have listed them (a couple more have them listed at £499, but I don't know if these are legitimate sites).
2, UK magazines like Techradar and T3 have been allowed to review it. Why send a phone out for review in a territory you don't intend to distribute the phone in.

Off course Nokia could make matters clearer by talking to their consumers, but that sounds too easy.

casper27 2011-06-29 19:00

Re: no N9 in UK, FR, IT, NL, ES and D
Of course it will be available in most countries. A quick search has the UK covered anyways by a few independants.
More will follow. The only reason the N9 WP might not launch with some carriers is Skype. But as seen with the Indian versian of N900 they can disable it by firmware region, which can be got around anyway.

By the way just come across this webpage, has a lot of information on N9.

Jedibeeftrix 2011-06-29 19:19

Re: no N9 in UK, FR, IT, NL, ES and D

Originally Posted by sjgadsby (Post 1041440)
Very soon, Nokia won't be selling any phones at all in the UK. They plan the same in other developed, competitive markets.

Nokia not selling phones directly in a market does not necessarily equal Nokia phones not being available for sale in that market.

i hope you are right, because expansys isn't good enough.

i'd like some confirmation that uk carriers will be able to put the n9 on contract.........

momcilo 2011-06-29 20:01

Re: no N9 in UK, FR, IT, NL, ES and D

Originally Posted by silent_64 (Post 1041640)

It doesn't say excluding UK, FR, IT, NL or any other WP launch countries, global means global.

Second, the dropdown list is completely bogus, here in Denmark we have 2 carriers confirming they'll stock the N9 upon release, one more stating they'll only carry the 16 GB version, and another carrier stating they'll wait and see how it's received. All 4 of them though acknowledging that it will in fact be released in DK - Even though we aren't in the dropdown list.

Perhaps the delivery in UK, FR, IT, NL is already guaranteed, and Nokia is using the page to measure the demand in other (listed) markets?

Yaser88 2011-06-30 21:37

Nokia N9 to miss on some major markets; Western Europa / North America!
Are they looking to actually release N950 then ?!


The Nokia N9 certainly made a great first impression and a lot of people are eager to get their hands on it. That's why Nokia put up a webpage, that should help you find out when the device becomes available in your area. Interestingly though, the Finns seems to have no plans of releasing the N9 in some of the biggest markets in the world. Some of the countries, which will surprisingly miss on the MeeGo smartphone are USA, UK, France, Germany, Spain, Italy, Canada etc.

slaapliedje 2011-06-30 22:00

Re: Nokia N9 to miss on some major markets; Western Europa / North America!
I call bull crap. In fact I was thinking that more than likely the carriers will end up renaming the N9 to something lame like "the Nokia MoFo." Because Nokia is planning on Fo'ing your Mo'.

It's like the C7 is called the Nokia Astound on T-Mobile here.

Anyhow, doesn't really matter, since it supports both the T-Mobile and AT&T frequencies here in the USA, so even if they don't sell it here, doesn't mean we can't import it, right?


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