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middguy 2007-08-07 16:01

Re: Help! Boot from MMC

Originally Posted by stewp6340 (Post 66059)
I have been trying this process for several days, with the same problem each time. I have a N770 with a Kingston 2GB MMCmobile card. I follow everything successfully until the cloning command (I am using GNU tar from apt-get):

/tar-temp/bin/tar cf - -C /floppy . | /tar-temp/bin/tar xvf - -C /opt

it starts to copy, and this continues for around 30 min. or so. Then, at some point the XTERM window closes on its own accord. Cannot say if at same spot each time, although that is a possibility. If at this point I continue on through the remaining directions, when I reboot, and select mmc2 for by boot location, it gives the error:

error booting from mmc2, booting from flash instead

My N770 then runs fine, but I am not running from MMC, but from flash, so defeats the point of this operation. Has anyone gone through a similar problem? I am assuming my copy ends up incomplete somehow because of the XTERM closing early (crash?), so boot from mmc2 fails. Help please!

I have the exact same problem. Search seems to show it is a memory buffer overflow, but I could not fix it so I pretty much just gave up. :o

tama 2007-08-07 16:37

Re: Help! Boot from MMC

Originally Posted by middguy (Post 66229)
I have the exact same problem. Search seems to show it is a memory buffer overflow, but I could not fix it so I pretty much just gave up. :o

I had same problems. I enabled swap (Tools->Control Panel->Memory->Virtaual Memory. Then I ran tar again. This time tar wen through. You also can try it.

stewp6340 2007-08-07 17:21

Re: Help! Boot from MMC
Do you mean you "Extend Virtual Memory"? I do not have option to enable swap file. How much memory did you extend?

Thank you, I want to try this.

middguy 2007-08-07 21:24

Re: Help! Boot from MMC

Originally Posted by tama (Post 66239)
I had same problems. I enabled swap (Tools->Control Panel->Memory->Virtaual Memory. Then I ran tar again. This time tar wen through. You also can try it.

Cool. So you unenabled it for the unmount and then reenable for the tar?

middguy 2007-08-07 22:13

Re: Help! Boot from MMC
Ok new problem I get to: "mount /dev/mmcblk0p2 /opt" and it says invalid argument ... now what?

I am getting to the point where each time I try its a different errors ... argh

stewp6340 2007-08-07 22:26

Re: Help! Boot from MMC

did you first create the /opt directory?

mkdir /opt/

before the mount? I had to do this I think, although keep in mind that I have not gotten this to work yet either, although I can do the mount of mmcblk0p2 to /opt/. Just can't complete the complete cloning (tar cf - -C /floppy etc...)

middguy 2007-08-07 23:47

Re: Help! Boot from MMC

Originally Posted by stewp6340 (Post 66366)

did you first create the /opt directory?

mkdir /opt/

before the mount? I had to do this I think, although keep in mind that I have not gotten this to work yet either, although I can do the mount of mmcblk0p2 to /opt/. Just can't complete the complete cloning (tar cf - -C /floppy etc...)

yeah it says "file already exists"

but at least this time it worked after trying again. and now its copying all the files. cross my fingers that this time it actually works (4/5th time trying)

stewp6340 2007-08-08 00:03

Re: Help! Boot from MMC

I have also tried 4 or 5 times with no luck yet. Please tell me if you complete this time, and what the trick was. I am at wits end. Am getting ready to start from the beginning once again.

How large is your MMC card, and what sizes the partitions.


middguy 2007-08-08 01:59

Re: Help! Boot from MMC
yay... got it working. trick was to combine both online directions (neither is complete) and

I also installed VNC view and stuff (

and used that to do most of the typing. also had to go back to step 1 (reflash) and make sure the first step went right (the download didnt work so had to do the fix that the program suggested)

stewp6340 2007-08-08 03:14

Re: Help! Boot from MMC

congrats on your success. I have not been as lucky. did you do anything other than what is in the two ets of instructions? did you turn on red pill mode? did you turn on the virtual memory on the mmc (from control panel->memory)?

what were your 2 partition sizes? I have tried the example 15000 as well as 30000, since i have a 2 GB card.

thanks for any additional information you can provide.

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