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demolition 2011-10-20 11:01

Re: I want to delete my account for months...
Guess the right to pull out is quite important. Perhaps when a method becomes clear, it would posted to the wiki?


Originally Posted by shallimus (Post 1111073)
Please post in this thread with the results once they've deleted your account!

Oh. Right.

LMAO. Nice one... oh right!

This seems like the best solution:

Originally Posted by Texrat (Post 1106151)
Why not clear out your forum profile settings? Don't need an admin to do that...

If the only thing there is a username then there's not a lot for bots to search. If email address is required, covert to . And, if you're that fed up - do the same with, and any of the other DNSs that require separate log-ins.

Elhana 2011-10-20 15:27

Re: I want to delete my account for months...
How is someone can actually prove it is his account? Considering it might be pissed off girlfriend or w/e trying to delete some ex's accs.
Email can be hacked as well.

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