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HughF_UK 2011-11-01 15:10

Re: Handtec sourced N9 crashes thread
I took the plunge and took some scissors to my sim, so my N9 is now on O2... seems marginally less crashy with a sim in it...

vitaminj 2011-11-01 15:22

Re: Handtec sourced N9 crashes thread
I'm now occasionally getting ~30x30px square glitches in random places when scrolling lists. This leans me heavily towards hardware issue (dodgy ram or vram) rather than firmware issue, esp. given the history of firmwares that were rock solid on N950.

How have they managed to get a batch of knackered phones though?! Someone in the factory sneezed with all the cases open and then shipped them all off to the UK?

the_Wildgoose 2011-11-01 15:54

Re: Handtec sourced N9 crashes thread
Just a datapoint, but I have had my Handtec sourced N9 since Sat and whilst I haven't caned it, it's not done something to me that I would describe as "crashing" in that time

The only glitches I have had are
- the US News widget (AP news) was crashing when I viewed the Technology page yesterday (probably some specific article on there choking it). Has been fine other days. Given up using it since it's US focused..

- My acuweather widget stopped updating yesterday. Read here that others have seen the same. Reboot and it was fine.

- I added the BBC news as a frontpage news feed. Doesn't obviously update unless I push the refresh button (should it?)

I have a "Three" SIM in which I'm testing while I consider moving from Vodafone. £25/month for near unlimited calls, unlimited texts and unlimited data with no tethering limitations. I found a page which claims you will get £4/month off for paying via direct debit... Have no worse reception - possibly better than Vodafone... (London area, near Wimbledon)

I have setup the Nokia link, imap email account with "always up to date" set, a SIP phone account to my asterisk server and Skype. I have done lots of syncs to the Nokia ovi contacts, and also to my old nokia phone. Played a bunch with the mail. Made a bunch of phone calls and txts to both SMS and Skype recipients. Made a 10 min Skype call. Played some of the games for a bit.

What I don't have setup is Facebook or Twitter.

I generally close all the apps down when not in use, but I have had a dozen things open such as browser windows (visiting things like google maps should cane it a bit.. note you need to go to or it doesn't work...)

I have the same software version as someone else reported earlier in the thread. Anyone got something reproducible that I can try to crash it?

vitaminj 2011-11-01 16:00

Re: Handtec sourced N9 crashes thread
Thanks for that - good to know they're not all faulty.
You'd definitely know if you were getting the same problems, unfortunately it's not reproducible, it will just freeze or reboot right in the middle of you doing something perfectly normal. Or give you display glitches that shouldn't be there.

Your issues are software related I think:
Accuweather sometimes chokes until reboot - this is fixed in PR1.1
BBC feed update - have you set up auto updates inside settings -> applications?

Sounds like we need to get on the e-blower to Handtec?

corsac 2011-11-01 16:04

Re: Handtec sourced N9 crashes thread

Originally Posted by HughF_UK (Post 1116898)
I took the plunge and took some scissors to my sim, so my N9 is now on O2... seems marginally less crashy with a sim in it...

It'd help to know if other people experiencing crashes have them with or without SIM. I'm supposed to receive an N9 from Handtec soon, so I'll try both and report back.

aegis 2011-11-01 16:13

Re: Handtec sourced N9 crashes thread
My experience so far with my Handtec supplied N9 has been pretty much identical to the_Wildgoose also. I've not had a crash or a hang though I do get the occasional slow down, particularly when it can't find a 3G signal.

The office here is in an old gritstone mill with thick walls and barely any phone signal gets in. My N9 (on Three) is often stuck saying 'Emergency Calls Only'. My C7 used to hold on to 1 bar btw so I'm not sure if Nokia's all polycarbonate body is of great benefit for phone signal strength. You regularly see phone owners (iPhone, old Nokia, HTC, all networks - doesn't matter) run for the door to stand outside the building to get a signal. :(

Mine is also running a SIP account (sipgate) and Skype and Twitter and Facebook + 3 IMAP4 mail accounts. There's 8-12 open apps running. The SIP account has been pretty flawless once I worked out to use a different port to the 'landline' SIP phones in the office.

HughF_UK 2011-11-01 16:15

Re: Handtec sourced N9 crashes thread
I have yet to experience display glitches... do you have a picture or video of what yours did?

dubious_dog 2011-11-01 16:16

Re: Handtec sourced N9 crashes thread
Hello everyone,

Just a heads up, I'm supposed to received my N9 from Handtec today and will report back if there are any issues with my phone. Hopefully that all these issues are just software related that can be simply ironed out when the upcoming firmware (PR 1.1) is released.

Does anyone know when is the new firmware is going to be released?

If this would make any difference, I'm located in Canada and my carrier is Telus Mobility.

vitaminj 2011-11-01 16:18

Re: Handtec sourced N9 crashes thread
I started without a sim. It rebooted when I tried to install developer mode - I'm fairly sure the sim was still out at that point.
I have since been using it with a manually-cut sim, and it's still crashy.
Just in case, I'm going to try it without sim for a while, but I think this is a red herring.

vitaminj 2011-11-01 16:27

Re: Handtec sourced N9 crashes thread

Originally Posted by HughF_UK (Post 1116937)
I have yet to experience display glitches... do you have a picture or video of what yours did?

I've only had it happen a few times, and go away fairly quickly, so I haven't captured it yet (no separate camera with me at the mo).
I've had small squares of solid colour pop up and then go away while scrolling in the Store and Email. And then shearing where parts of the screen scroll and others are left behind whilst in Email and Web.

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